TPCJournal-Volume12-Issue 2

The Professional Counselor | Volume 12, Issue 2 179 Table 4 Linear Model of Predictors of the Supervisory Working Alliance With Self and Other Awareness as the Moderator B SE B 95% CI for B t p LL UL Constant 11.3917 .1726 11.0496 11.7338 65.9967 .0000 Task-oriented style .9540 .1429 .6707 1.2373 6.6745 .0000 Self and other awareness .0538 .0207 .0127 .0948 2.5946 .0108 aTask-oriented style × Self and other awareness −.0361 .0160 −.0679 −.0043 −2.2503 .0264 Note. N = 113. CI = confidence interval; LL = lower limit; UL = upper limit. aProduct terms (task-oriented style and self and other awareness) were mean centered prior to analysis. Figure 3 Moderation Effect of Self and Other Awareness With the Task-Oriented Style on the Supervisory Working Alliance Note. N = 113. Predictor = Task-Oriented Style; Moderator = Self and Other Awareness; Outcome = Supervisory Working Alliance. The three lines of color represent three regressions with the task-oriented style as predictor and the supervisory working alliance as outcome at different levels of self and other awareness (one indicator of supervisee levels). The blue regression line denotes the group in which supervisee self and other awareness was one standard deviation (SD) below the mean, the green denotes the group in which supervisee self and other awareness was at the mean, and the pink denotes the group in which supervisee self and other awareness was one SD above the mean.