TheProfessional Counselor-Vol12-Issue3

254 The Professional Counselor | Volume 12, Issue 3 Results The RFSV Scale items were entered into a CFA to test the dimensionality of scores with STEM students (RQ1). Excluding the CMIN (χ2 [74] = 257.55, p < .001, χ2 to df = 3.48), results revealed a satisfactory model fit: CFI = .92; RMSEA = .08, 90% CI [.07, .10]; and SRMR = .08. The CMIN tends to underestimate model fit with samples that are large enough for CFA (Dimitrov, 2012). Thus, adequate internal structure validity evidence of scores was achieved based on the collective CFI, RMSEA, and SRMR results. The standardized factor loadings were all acceptable-to-strong and ranged from .48 to .90 (see Figure 1, Model 1). Figure 1 Revised FSV Scale Path Models With Standardized Coefficients