
408 The Professional Counselor | Volume 13, Issue 4 Table 1 Demographic Characteristics of Participants (N = 201) Variable n % Disability Type a Physical 100 49.8 Sensory 89 44.3 Psychiatric/Mental 61 30.3 Neurodevelopmental 43 21.4 Disability Type Physical only 55 26.8 Sensory only 55 26.8 Psychiatric/Mental only 12 5.9 Neurodevelopmental only 11 5.4 Two or more disabilities 68 33.2 Disability Visibility Visible/apparent 62 30.8 Invisible/hidden 84 41.8 Both visible and invisible 55 27.4 Age 18–29 33 16.4 30–39 44 21.9 40–49 57 28.4 50–59 39 19.4 60–69 20 10.0 70+ 8 4.0 Biological Sex Female 158 78.6 Male 43 21.4 Gender Identity Woman 150 74.6 Man 43 21.4 Gender queer 5 2.5 Self-identify in another way 3 1.5 Affectual/Sexual Orientation Heterosexual 155 77.1 Bisexual 20 10.0 Gay 5 2.5 Lesbian 3 1.5 Pansexual 5 2.5 Queer 7 3.5 Self-identify in another way 6 3.0 Racial/Ethnic Identity African American/Black 15 7.5 Asian or Pacific Islander American 5 2.5