
410 The Professional Counselor | Volume 13, Issue 4 Table 2 Descriptive Statistics for AMS Items by Subscale M SD Total AMS score 61.01 20.60 Overall AMS item 3.05 1.03 Subscale: Helplessness 3.30 1.34 H1. People feel they need to do something to help me because I have a disability. 3.29 1.61 H2. People express admiration for me or describe me as inspirational simply because I live with a disability. 3.65 1.80 H3. People express pity for me because I have a disability. 3.11 1.59 H4. People do not expect me to have a job or volunteer activities because I have a disability. 2.95 1.82 H5. People offer me unsolicited, unwanted, or unneeded help because I have a disability. 3.47 1.76 Subscale: Minimization 3.60 1.56 M6. People are unwilling to accept I have a disability because I appear able-bodied.a 3.63 2.01 M7. People minimize my disability or suggest it could be worse. 3.62 1.81 M8. People act as if accommodations for my disability are unnecessary. a 3.56 1.76 Subscale: Denial of Personhood 3.07 1.47 D9. People don’t see me as a whole person because I have a disability. 3.32 1.66 D10. People act as if I am nothing more than my disability. 2.66 1.52 D11. People speak to me as if I am a child or do not take me seriously because I have a disability. 3.16 1.74 D12. People assume I have low intelligence because I have a disability. 3.08 1.84 D13. Because I have a disability, people attempt to make decisions for me that I can make for myself. 3.11 1.70 Subscale: Otherization 2.63 1.22 O14. People think I should not date or pursue sexual relationships because I have a disability. 2.09 1.54 O15. People indicate they would not date a person with a disability. 2.93 1.73 O16. People suggest that I cannot or should not have children because I have a disability. 2.37 1.60 O17. People stare at me because I have a disability. a 3.18 1.93 O18. Because I have a disability, people seem surprised to see me outside my home. 2.42 1.65 O19. Because I have a disability, people assume I have an extraordinary gift or talent. 2.49 1.72 O20. People suggest that living with a disability would not be a worthwhile existence. 2.91 1.74 Note. AMS = Ableist Microaggressions Scale; H = Helplessness; M = Minimization; D = Denial of Personhood; O = Otherization; M = Mean; SD = Standard Deviation a Item includes “not applicable” response option.