The Professional Counselor | Volume 14, Issue 1 99 Appendix Interview Protocol 1. Tell me a little about your identity as a military spouse? a. What have been some of your rewarding experiences as a military spouse? b. What have been some of your stressful experiences as a military spouse? 2. How have you coped with the more stressful experiences as a military spouse? 3. How would you describe the military’s definition of “resilience?” 4. What does the term “resilience” mean to you? 5. What does the term “resilience” mean for your military partner/family? 6. How would you describe the resilience of military spouses? 7. In what ways have you, personally, been resilient as a military spouse? 8. What would enhance the resilience of military spouses and their families, from your perspective? 9. How, if at all, has your military experience enhanced your resilience? 10. How, if at all, has the military’s focus on resilience presented you with challenges during your military spouse experiences? 11. How, if at all, can resilience be a negative way to describe military spouses/families? 12. Is there anything else about military resilience that is important to you that I did not ask about?