The Professional Counselor, Volume 14, Issue 1

14 The Professional Counselor | Volume 14, Issue 1 Waters, J. M., Gantt, A., Worth, A., Duyile, B., Johnson, K. F., & Mariotto, D. (2022). Motivated but challenged: Counselor educators’ experiences teaching about social determinants of health. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 15(2), 1–30. Watts, A. G. (2000). Career development and public policy. Journal of Employment Counseling, 37(2), 62–75. World Health Organization. (2014). Social determinants of mental health. handle/10665/112828/9789241506809_eng.pdf Ysasi, N. A., Tiro, L., Sprong, M. E., & Kim, B. J. (2018). Marketing vocational rehabilitation services in rural communities. In D. A. Harley, N. A. Ysasi, M. L. Bishop, & A. R. Fleming (Eds.), Disability and vocational rehabilitation in rural settings: Challenges to service delivery (pp. 545–552). Springer.