The Professional Counselor, Volume 14, Issue 1

68 The Professional Counselor | Volume 14, Issue 1 Table 1 Demographic Characteristics of Participants (N = 90) Variable n % Disability Type Single Type: Physical 21 23.33 Single Type: Sensory 17 18.88 Single Type: Neurodevelopmental 6 6.66 Single Type: Psychiatric/Mental Health 6 6.66 Combination (2): Physical and Psychiatric/Mental Health 8 8.88 Combination (2): Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric/Mental Health 6 6.66 Combination (2): Sensory and Psychiatric/Mental Health 5 5.55 Combination (2): Sensory and Physical 4 4.44 Combination (2): Neurodevelopmental and Physical 2 2.22 Combination (2): Sensory and Neurodevelopmental 2 2.22 Combination (3): Physical, Psychiatric/Mental Health, Neurodevelopmental 4 4.44 Combination (3): Physical, Sensory, Neurodevelopmental 4 4.44 Combination (3): Sensory, Psychiatric/Mental Health, Neurodevelopmental 2 2.22 Combination (3): Physical, Sensory, Psychiatric/Mental Health 1 1.11 Combination (4): Physical, Sensory, Psychiatric/Mental Health, Neurodevelopmental 2 2.22 Visibility of Disability Visible/Apparent 19 21.11 Hidden/Concealed 41 45.55 Both 30 33.33 Biological Sex/Sex Assigned at Birth Female 74 82.22 Male 16 17.77 Gender Identity Gender Fluid/Gender Queer 6 6.66 Man 16 17.77 Woman 68 75.55 Affectual/Sexual Orientation Asexual 2 2.22 Bisexual 9 10.00 Gay 2 2.22 Heterosexual 68 75.55 Lesbian 3 3.33 Pansexual 4 4.44 Queer 1 1.11 Questioning 1 1.11