The Professional Counselor | Volume 14, Issue 1 69 Variable n % Racial/Ethnic Identity African American/Black 4 4.44 Asian or Pacific Islander 3 3.33 Biracial 2 2.22 Euro-American/White 69 76.66 Indigenous 1 1.11 Jewish 5 5.55 Latino/a or Hispanic 3 3.33 Middle Eastern 1 1.11 Multiracial 2 2.22 Religious/Spiritual Identity Atheist 8 8.88 Catholic 12 13.3 Jewish 4 4.44 Not Religious 1 1.11 Pagan 1 1.11 Protestant 36 40.00 Questioning 2 2.22 Spiritual Not Religious 5 5.55 Unitarian Universalist 2 2.22 Self-Identify in Another Way 19 21.11 Highest Level of Education High School Diploma or GED 5 5.55 Associate or Trade School Degree 7 7.77 Some College, No Degree 7 7.77 Bachelor’s Degree 24 26.66 Master’s Degree 38 42.22 PhD, EdD, JD, MD, etc. 9 10.00 No Response 1 1.11 Employment Status Full-Time 40 44.44 Part-Time 16 17.77 Retired 9 10.00 Student 11 12.22 Unemployed 14 15.55 Employment Compared to Training and Skills Training/Education/Skills are lower than job responsibilities/position 2 2.22 Training/Education/Skills are on par with job responsibilities/position 42 46.66 Training/Education/Skills exceed job responsibilities/position 24 26.66 Not applicable 22 24.44