180 The Professional Counselor | Volume 14, Issue 2 Appendix Interview Protocol Individual Interview Questions/Script Thank you for agreeing to participate in this important study. If you remember, this study is designed to begin providing an empirical base for what factors motivate Black people to become professional counselors. Please note these interviews will be audio recorded. Do you have any questions before we begin? Please take your time in answering the following questions and please be reminded that you can skip any question and withdraw at any time. All participants should be asked these questions: • Would you share with me what motivated you to become a counselor? • What about those experiences convinced you that professional counseling was a good fit for your career? • What did/do you find most helpful in your counselor training? • What did/do you find most challenging in your counselor training? • Are/were you one of few Black students in your counselor training program? o If so, what is/was that experience like for you? o If not, what is/was that experience like for you? • Do you believe you experienced/are experiencing anti-Black racism in your counselor training program? o If so, in what ways is this happening/did this happen? If participant is/was a practicing counselor, please ask: • What is most rewarding for you as a Black practicing counselor? • What role, if any, do Black counselors have in helping increase Black representation in counseling? • Do you believe anti-Black racism exists in professional counseling? If so, in what ways? • Are you one of few Black counselors where you practice? o If so, what is that experience like for you? o If not, what is that experience like for you? If participant is a counselor educator, please ask: • How long have you been a counselor educator? • What motivated you to become a counselor educator? • What role, if any, do Black counselor educators have in helping increase Black representation in counseling? • Do you believe anti-Black racism exists in counselor education? If so, in what ways? • Are you one of few Black counselor educators where you teach? o If so, what is that experience like for you? o If not, what is that experience like for you? Please conclude all individual interviews with this question and information: • Is there anything else you’d like to share about your motivations to become a professional counselor that we haven’t discussed to this point? • Thank you for participating in this interview. Your insights are valuable. What you can expect now is for our research team to transcribe this interview, de-identify it, and send it to you for your review to confirm its accuracy. Our team will then begin our analysis and send you updates on our interpretations of what participants have shared. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch with Dr. Hannon at hannonmi@montclair.edu.