
The Professional Counselor | Volume 14, Issue 3 276 Session Core Topic Mindfulness Practice Description Session Description Overall Internal Session Structure of MBSP 8 Your Engagement with Life Golden nuggets exercise Stick with those practices that have been working well and watch for the mind’s tendency to revert to automatic habits that are deficit-based, unproductive, or that prioritize what’s wrong in you and others. Engage in an approach that fosters awareness and celebration of what is strongest in you and others. VIII. Reflect, assessments, close Note. Source: Adapted from Mindfulness-Based Strengths Practice (MBSP) Group Intervention: A Systematic Review (Prasath et al., 2021). MBSP Program Group Intervention In this study, the MBSP intervention was implemented using a structured curriculum from Niemiec (2014) aimed at enhancing treatment fidelity. The curriculum encompassed three main sections: an introductory portion outlining the foundational assumptions and change process in MBSP; essential information for conducting MBSP groups, including format and timing; and key reminders. The core of MBSP group sessions involved typical group dynamics, including participant interactions with themselves, fellow group members, and the group leader. Notably, the MBSP program comprises eight sessions, usually lasting 2 hours, though the duration can be adjusted based on the setting; for this study, sessions ran for 90 minutes. The MBSP program was selected for this study because it emphasizes discovering individuals’ strengths and fostering what is right within them, in contrast to focusing on deficiencies. MBSP integrates mindfulness and character strengths practices to enhance participants’ relationship satisfaction, mindfulness skills, and overall well-being (Niemiec, 2014). Morris conducted two groups per week, each accommodating 4–10 participants, over an 8-week period, with an additional group added to account for attrition, and following the standard structure outlined in Table 1. Group Leadership Morris has previous training in MBSP, a certification in mindfulness meditation, commitment to group work and leadership through the Association for Specialists in Group Work Leadership Institute in 2024, experience with multicultural populations, and experience living in a diverse military community, all of which equipped her for leading the MBSP program and study. Through her training to become an effective group leader, she learned to consider intersectionality, group dynamics, fostering a positive environment, promoting awareness, group cohesion, and compassion among participants sharing personal information (Corey et al., 2018). Instruments Demographic Questionnaire Demographic questionnaires were given to all participants for screening purposes reporting age, ethnicity, gender, race, level of education, and military experience. Participants who met the criteria