TPC Journal V8, Issue 1 - FULL ISSUE

26 The Professional Counselor | Volume 8, Issue 1 changes that may be reflective of a mastery learning orientation. A learner who is performance- oriented may earn an A in a research course but show a lower score on the RIS. The opposite also may be true in that a learner may earn a C in a research course but show higher scores on the RIS. Through the process of combining traditional assessment methods such as grades with the RIS, programs may get a more comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness and impact of their research-related curriculum. Table 1. Item location estimates. RIS Item Location Estimate Item 3 -2.41 Item 4 -1.80 Item 10 -3.16 Item 13 -.86 Item 16 -.94 Item 19 -3.08 Item 24 -2.86 Item 9 -1.10 Item 12 .42 Item 18 -2.24 Item 26 -2.20 Item 39 .20 Item 42 -1.28 Item 44 -.76 Item 34 -1.27 Item 41 -.76 Item 43 -1.47 Item 46 -2.03 Item 47 -2.84 Item 49 1.22 Item 61 -.44