TPC Journal V8, Issue 1 - FULL ISSUE

28 The Professional Counselor | Volume 8, Issue 1 Embretson, S. E., & Reise, S. P. (2000). Item response theory for psychologists. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Gladding, S. T., & Newsome, D. W. (2010). Clinical mental health counseling in community and agency settings (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hennigan Paone, C. (2017, December 15). Research identity crisis? [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://www. Heppner, P. P., Wampold, B. E., Owen, J., Thompson, M. N., & Wang, K. T. (2015). Research design in counseling (4th ed.) . Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Hernon, P. & Dugan, R. E. (2004). Four perspectives on assessment and evaluation. In P. Hernon & R. E. Dugan (Eds.), Outcome assessment in higher education: Views and perspectives (pp. 219–233). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. Holden, G., Barker, K., Meenaghan, T., & Rosenberg, G. (1999). Research self-efficacy: A new possibility for educational outcomes assessment. Journal of Social Work Education , 35 , 463–476. Jorgensen, M. F., & Duncan, K. (2015a). A grounded theory of master’s-level counselor research identity. Counselor Education and Supervision , 54 , 17–31. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6978.2015.00067 Jorgensen, M. F., & Duncan, K. (2015b). A phenomenological investigation of master’s-level counselor research identity development stages. The Professional Counselor , 5 , 327–340. doi:10.15241/mfj.5.3.327 Kahn, J. H., & Scott, N. A. (1997). Predictors of research productivity and science-related career goals among counseling psychology doctoral students. The Counseling Psychologist , 25 , 38–67. doi:10.1177/0011000097251005 Nunnally, J. C., & Bernstein, I. H. (1994). Psychometric theory (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Phillips, J. C., & Russell, R. K. (1994). Research self‐efficacy, the research training environment, and research productivity among graduate students in counseling psychology. The Counseling Psychologist , 22 , 628–641. doi:10.1177/0011000094224008 Readability Test Tool. (n.d.). Retrieved from Reisetter, M., Korcuska, J. S., Yexley, M., Bonds, D., Nikels, H., & McHenry, W. (2004). Counselor educators and qualitative research: Affirming a research identity. Counselor Education and Supervision , 44 , 2–16. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6978.2004.tb01856.x Rowan, N., & Wulff, D. (2007). Using qualitative methods to inform scale development . The Qualitative Report , 12 , 450–466. SAS Institute [Statistical software]. (2012). Retrieved from Unrau, Y. A., & Beck, A. R. (2004). Increasing research self-efficacy among students in professional academic programs. Innovative Higher Education , 28 (3), 187–204. Unrau, Y. A., & Grinnell,, R. M., Jr. (2005). The impact of social work research courses on research self‐efficacy for social work students. Social Work Education , 24 , 639–651. doi:10.1080/02615470500185069 Warden, S., & Benshoff, J. M. (2012). Testing the engagement theory of program quality in CACREP-accredited counselor education programs. Counselor Education & Supervision , 51 , 127–140. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6978.2012.00009.x ®