TPC Journal V8, Issue 1 - FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 8, Issue 1 51 Results The data analysis revealed the existence of three different viewpoints (i.e., factors 1, 2, 3) on mentoring CEDS in graduate teaching. We named the factors Supervisor (F1), Facilitator (F2), and Evaluator (F3), respectively, and included those names in the factor interpretations below to best represent the distinguishing teaching mentorship characteristics of the groups of individuals associated with each factor. The resulting three factors accounted for 37% of the total variance in the correlation matrix. Note that sole reliance on statistical criteria, such as the proportion of variance, is discouraged in Q methodology. This is because a factor may hold theoretical interest and have contextual relevance that may be overlooked if only a statistical basis for interpreting subjective factors is used (Brown, 1980). Twenty of the 25 participants loaded significantly on one of the three factors. Factor loadings of > .43 were significant at the p < 0.01 level. Factor 1 had eight participants with significant loadings, accounting for 14% of the variance. Factor 2 had seven participants with significant loadings, accounting for 15% of the variance, whereas Factor 3 had five participants with significant loadings, accounting for 9% of the variance. Five of the 25 Q sorts were non-significant; four participants’ Q sorts were non-significant (X < .43) and one was confounded, meaning the factor scores for that participant were associated with more than one factor. Table 4 Rotated Factor Loadings for Supervisor (1), Facilitator (2), and Evaluator (3) Q Sort Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Supervisor Facilitator Evaluator 1 .05 . 74 .07 2 .47 .46 .30 3 .13 .60 .24 4 .02 -.13 .76 5 .51 .26 -.23 6 .60 .25 -.16 7 .18 .48 .03 8 .55 .37 .24 9 .54 .17 .13 10 .70 .16 .14 11 .53 .17 .34 12 .54 -.11 .25 13 .22 .48 .16 14 .52 .40 -.04 15 .34 .15 .53 16 .41 .13 .19 17 .10 .39 .33 18 .19 .32 .47 19 .26 .73 .05 20 .27 .04 .12 21 .36 .26 .11 22 .13 .40 .54 23 .10 .55 .03 24 .20 .39 .50 25 .32 .46 .08 Note . Significant loading > .43 are in boldface