TPC Journal V8, Issue 2 - FULL ISSUE

158 The Professional Counselor | Volume 8, Issue 2 Stennbarger, B. N., & LeClair, S. (1995). Beyond remediation and development: Mental health counseling in context. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 17 , 173–187. Toporek, R. L., Gerstein, L. H., Fouad, N. A., Roysircar, G., & Israel, T. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook for social justice in counseling psychology: Leadership, vision, and action . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Warter, E. H., & Grossman, J. M. (2002). An application of developmental-contextualism to service-learning. In A. Furco & S. H. Billig (Eds.), Service-learning: The essence of the pedagogy (pp. 83–102). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. West-Olatunji, C. (2010). If not now, when? Advocacy, social justice, and counselor education. Counseling and Human Development, 42 (8), 1–12. ®