TPC Journal V8, Issue 2 - FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 8, Issue 2 181 Table 1 Descriptive Statistics for Final Items Faculty ( N = 201) Student ( N = 312) Truncated Item Content M SD Skew Kurtosis M SD Skew Kurtosis 1. Severity of mental health issues .03 .95 -.86 .09 .08 .85 -1.02 .95 2. Complexity of mental health issues .03 .96 .17 -.07 .05 .94 -.54 -.48 3. Comfortable making referrals to counseling .01 .97 -.86 -.64 .06 .94 -.79 -.14 4. Fear of students with mental health issues .01 1.00 -.13 -.35 .00 1.00 -.56 -.38 5. Negative academic impact of mental distress .02 .99 .17 .63 .04 .93 -.87 .18 6. Increasing prevalence of mental health issues .02 .97 -.14 -.53 .03 .96 -.43 -.58 7. Comfortable making student referrals to the health center .01 .96 -.95 .29 .05 .95 -.97 .34 8. Interacting with students living with mental distress .01 .99 -.57 -.37 .05 .93 -.93 .24 9. Fear of students with mental disorders .00 1.00 -.26 -.47 .00 1.00 -.69 -.25 10. University resources for mental distress .00 .99 -.71 -.13 .02 .97 -.89 .02 11. Negative impact of mental distress on well-being .04 .95 -.82 .16 .03 .97 -.90 .19 12. Comfortable making referrals to community counselors .01 1.00 -.59 -.42 .05 .95 -.83 -.12 Note . Windsorized values ( z -scores) are reported; faculty: SE Kurtosis = 0.34, SE Skewness = 0.17; students: SE Kurtosis = 0.13, SE Skewness = 0.20. Spinets of item content are provided based on the guidelines from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association , 6th edition. To access the full version of the scale, please contact the corresponding author . The three emergent factors were named engagement , fear , and knowledge , respectively (see Table 2). The first factor, engagement, was comprised of items 3, 7, 8, 10 and 12. It estimates the degree to which a faculty member is involved with interacting, supporting, and working with students who are struggling with mental health disorders (e.g., item 7 [“I am comfortable referring college students with mental health issues to the health center on campus”] and item 8 [“I am comfortable talking to students about mental health”]). The second factor, fear, was comprised of items 4 and 9 and appraises one’s anxiety or concern surrounding mental health issues on college campuses (e.g., item 4 [“Students with mental health issues are dangerous”]). The last factor, knowledge, was marked by items 1, 2, 5, 6, and 11. These items reflect the extent to which the respondent was familiar with mental health issues on college campuses (e.g., item 4 [“Mental health issues are becoming more complex among college students”] and item 10 [“Mental health issues are increasing among college students”]).