TPC Journal V8, Issue 2 - FULL ISSUE

188 The Professional Counselor | Volume 8, Issue 2 DeVellis, R. F. (2016). Scale development: Theory and applications (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Dobmeier, R. A., Kalkbrenner, M. T., Hill, T. T., & Hernández, T. J. (2013). Residential community college student awareness of mental health problems and resources. CSPA-NYS Journal , 13 (2), 15–28. Retrieved from Emery, A. A., Heath, N. L., & Mills, D. J. (2016). Basic psychological need satisfaction, emotion dysregulation, and non-suicidal self-injury engagement in young adults: An application of self-determination theory. Journal of Youth & Adolescence , 45 , 612–623. doi:10.1007/s10964-015-0405 Eisenberg, D., Goldrick-Rabe, S., Lipson, S. K., & Broton, K. (2016). Too distressed to learn? Mental health among community college students. Retrieved from Wisconsin_HOPE_Lab-Too_Distressed_To_Learn.pdf Eisenberg, D., Hunt, J., Speer, N., & Zivin, K. (2011). Mental health service utilization among college students in the United States. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease , 199 , 301–308. doi:10.1097/NMD.0b013e318217512 Farrelly, M. C., Duke, J. C., Davis, K. C., Nonnemaker, J. M., Kamyab, K., Willett, J. G., & Juster, H. R. (2012). Promotion of smoking cessation with emotional and/or graphic antismoking advertising. American Journal of Preventive Medicine , 43 , 475–482. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2012.07.023 Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.-G., & Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods , 39 , 175–191. doi:10.3758/BF03193146 Field, A. P. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Fowler, F. J. (2014). Survey research methods (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Halkjelsvik, T., & Rise, J. (2015). Disgust in fear appeal anti-smoking advertisements: The effects on attitudes and abstinence motivation. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy , 22 , 362–369. doi:10.3109/09687637.2015.1015491 Han, M., & Pong, H. (2015). Mental health help-seeking behaviors among Asian American community college students: The effect of stigma, cultural barriers, and acculturation. Journal of College Student Development , 56 , 1–14. doi:10.1353/csd.2015.0001 Hill, R. M., Yaroslavsky, I., & Pettit, J. W. (2015). Enhancing depression screening to identify college students at risk for persistent depressive symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders , 174 , 1–6. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2014.11.025 Jeno, L. M., & Diseth, Å. (2014). A self-determination theory perspective on autonomy support, autonomous self-regulation, and perceived school performance. Reflecting Education , 9 , 1–20. Kalkbrenner, M. T. (2016). Recognizing and supporting students with mental disorders: The REDFLAGS Model. Journal of Education and Training , 3 , 1–13. doi:10.5296/jet.v3i1.8141 Kalkbrenner, M. T., & Hernández, T. J. (2017). Community college students’ awareness of risk factors for mental health problems and referrals to facilitative and debilitative resources. The Community College Journal of Research and Practice , 41 , 56–64. doi:10.1080/10668926.2016.1179603 Kalkbrenner, M. T., James, C., & Pérez-Rojas, A. E. (2018). College students’ awareness of mental disorders and counselor seeking behaviors: Comparison across academic disciplines. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. Manuscript submitted for publication. Lee, H. J., Ju, Y. J., & Park, E.-C. (2017). Utilization of professional mental health services according to recognition rate of mental health centers. Psychiatry Research , 250 , 204–209. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2017.01.051 Li, J., Marbley, A. F., Bradley, L. J., & Lan, W. (2016). Attitudes toward seeking professional counseling services among Chinese international students: Acculturation, ethnic identity, and English proficiency. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development , 44 , 65–76. doi:10.1002/jmcd.12037 Luecht, R. M., Madsen, M. K., Taugher, M. P., & Petterson, B. J. (1990). Assessing professional perceptions: Design and validation of an interdisciplinary education perception scale. Journal of Allied Health , 19 (2), 181–191. Mancini, A. D. (2008). Self-determination theory: A framework for the recovery paradigm. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment , 14 , 358–365. doi:10.1192/apt.bp.107.004036