TPC Journal V8, Issue 3- FULL ISSUE

260 The Professional Counselor | Volume 8, Issue 3 References Altmaier, E. M. (2011). Best practices in counseling grief and loss: Finding benefit from trauma. Journal of Mental Health Counseling , 33 , 33–45. doi:10.17744/mehc.33.1.tu9wx5w3t2145122 American Counseling Association. (2005). 2005 code of ethics . Retrieved from default-source/library-archives/archived-code-of-ethics/codeethics05.pdf American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 code of ethics . Retrieved from rces/aca-code-of-ethics.pdf Baxter v. Montana, 224 P.3d 1211 (Mont. 2009). Bevacqua, F., & Kurpius, S. (2013). Counseling students’ personal values and attitudes toward euthanasia. Journal of Mental Health Counseling , 35 , 172–188. doi:10.17744/mehc.35.2.101095424625024p Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1994). Ecological models of human development. In International Encyclopedia of Education (Vol. 3, 2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Elsevier. Burdette, A. M., Hill, T. D., & Moulton, B. E. (2005). Religion and attitudes toward physician-assisted suicide and terminal palliative care. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion , 44 , 79–93. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5906.2005.00266.x Cohen, E. D. (2001). Permitted suicide: Model rules for mental health counseling. Journal of Mental Health Counseling , 23 , 279–294. Cottone, R. R., & Tarvydas, V. (2016). Ethics and decision making in counseling and psychotherapy (4th ed.). New York, NY: Springer. Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (2016). 2016 CACREP standards . Retrieved from Glossary-5.3.2018.pdf Daneker, D. (2006). Counselors working with the terminally ill. In VISTAS 2006 (pp. 1–13). Retrieved from Death with Dignity. (2018). Death with dignity acts . Retrieved from death-with-dignity-acts/ Francis, P. C., & Dugger, S. M. (2014). Professionalism, ethics, and value-based conflicts in counseling: An introduction to the special section. Journal of Counseling & Development , 92 , 131–134. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00138.x Fulmer, R. (2014). Physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, and counseling ethics. In Ideas and research you can use: VISTAS 2014 . Retrieved from pdf?sfvrsn=5677d2c_10 Gibson, D. M., Dollarhide, C. T., & Moss, J. M. (2010). Professional identity development: A grounded theory of transformational tasks of new counselors. Counselor Education and Supervision , 50 , 21–37. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6978.2010.tb00106.x Gibson, P. A. (2008). Teaching ethical decision making: Designing a personal value portrait to ignite creativity and promote personal engagement in case method analysis. Ethics & Behavior , 18 , 340–352. doi:10.1080/10508420701713022 Harrawood, L. K., Doughty, E. A., & Wilde, B. (2011). Death education and attitudes of counselors-in-training toward death: An exploratory study. Counseling and Values , 56 , 83–95. doi:10.1002/j.2161-007X.2011.tb01033.x Heller Levitt, D., & Hartwig Moorhead, H. J. (2013). Values and ethics in counseling: Real-life ethical decision making. New York, NY: Routledge. Johnson, C. V., Hayes, J. A., & Wade, N. G. (2007). Psychotherapy with troubled spirits: A qualitative investigation. Psychotherapy Research , 17 , 450–460. doi:10.1080/10503300600953520 Kaplan, D. M. (2014). Ethical implications of a critical legal case for the counseling profession: Ward v. Wilbanks . Journal of Counseling & Development , 92 , 142–146. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00140.x Kemmelmeier, M., Wieczorkowska, G., Erb, H.-P., & Burnstein, E. (2002). Individualism, authoritarianism, and attitudes toward assisted death: Cross-cultural, cross-regional, and experimental evidence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 32 , 60–85. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2002.tb01420.x