TPC Journal V8, Issue 4- FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 8, Issue 4 381 References Alhojailan, M. I. (2012). Thematic analysis: A critical review of its process and evaluation . Retrieved from https://fac. Bernard, H. R., & Ryan, G. W. (2010). Analyzing qualitative data: Systematic approaches (1st ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage. Blanchard, A., Prior, F., Barton, J., & Dawson, T. (2016). Barriers in new health and social care technology implementation in the United Kingdom, a case study. Retrieved from proceedings/dese/2016/5487/00/07930625.pdf Carey, J., & Dimmitt, C. (2004). The web and school counseling. Interdisciplinary Journal of Practice , Theory, and Applied Research , 21 (3–4), 69–79. doi:10.1300/J025v21n03_08 Carlson, L., Portman, T., & Bartlett, J. (2006). Professional school counselors’ approaches to technology. Professional School Psychology , 9 , 252–256. doi:10.5330/prsc.9.3.9162536405845454 Casey, J. A., Bloom, J. W., & Moan, E. R. (1994). Use of technology in counselor supervision . Retrieved from https:// Christian, D., Lawrence, A., & Dampman, N. (2017). Increasing college access through the implementation of Naviance: An exploratory study. Journal of College Access , 3 (2), 28–44. Clarke, V., & Braun, V. (2013). Teaching thematic analysis: Overcoming challenges and developing strategies for effective learning. The Psychologist , 26 (2), 120 – 123. Creamer, M. B. (2000). Technology utilization in the field of school counseling: An action research study . Retrieved from Dahir, C. A. (2009). School counseling in the 21st century: Where lies the future? Introduction to the special section. Journal of Counseling & Development , 87 , 3 – 5. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6678.2009.tb00542.x Davis, F. D. (1993). User acceptance of information technology: System characteristics, user perceptions and behavioral impacts . Retrieved from pdf?sequence=1 Etikan, I., Musa, S. A., & Alkassim, R. S. (2016). Comparison of convenience sampling and purposive sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics , 5 , 1 – 4. doi:10.11648/j.ajtas.20160501.11 Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1975). Belief, attitude, intention and behavior: An introduction to theory and research . Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Frels, R. K., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2013). Administering quantitative instruments with qualitative interviews: A mixed research approach. Journal of Counseling & Development , 91 , 184 – 194. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.2013.00085.x Granello, P. F. (2000). Historical context: The relationship of computer technologies and counseling . Retrieved from Guzman, A., & Nussbaum, M. (2009). Teaching competencies for technology integration in the classroom. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning , 25 , 453 – 469. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2729.2009.00322.x Hayden, L., Poynton, T., & Sabella, R. A. (2008). School counselors’ use of technology within the ASCA national model’s delivery system . Journal of Technology in Counseling 5 (1). Retrieved from https://www.researchgat’_use_of_technology_with_in_the_ASCA_national_mod el’s_delivery_system Hobsons. (2017). Connecting learning to life . Retrieved from Holcomb-McCoy, C., Gonzalez, I., & Johnston, G. (2009). School counselor dispositions as predictors of data usage. Professional School Counseling , 12 (5). doi:10.1177/2156759X0901200504 Hu, P. J.-H., Clark, T. H. K., & Ma, W. W. (2003). Examining technology acceptance by school teachers: A longitudinal study . Information & Management , 41 , 227–241. doi:10.1016/S0378-7206(03)00050-8 Kozlowski, K. A., Mikesina, L., & Genova, A. (2015). Incorporating technology into a school counseling body image group . Retrieved from technology-into-a-school-counseling-body-image-group.pdf?sfvrsn=8 Lederer, A. L., Maupin, D. J., Sena, M. P., & Zhuang, Y. (2000). The technology acceptance model and the World Wide Web. Decision Support Systems , 29 , 269–282. doi:10.1016/S0167-9236(00)00076-2 Loague, A. M., Alexander, J. J., & Reynolds, G. P. (2010). The school counselor web page . Retrieved from https://