TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 1

16 The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 1 K P8 S.84 CBPR encourages researchers to consider how to apply the knowledge acquired through their collaborations to directly benefit the community being studied 100 1.00 1.00 K P8 S.85 An important element of CPBR is inviting community partners in the dissemination of research findings 100 1.00 1.00 A P8 S.86 CBPR researchers recognize the importance of including community partners in sharing the results with the community 100 1.00 1.00 A P8 S.87 CPBR researchers recognize the importance of finding innovative ways in partnering with community partners in disseminating research results 100 1.00 1.00 A P8 S.88 CBPR researchers understand the importance of having research results readily available 92.9 2.00 1.00 S P8 S.89 CBPR researchers have the ability to communicate findings in a way that could be understood by the community (e.g. being concise, clear, and using appropriate language) 100 1.00 1.00 AC P8 S.90 CBPR researchers share results in community settings such as town hall meetings, presentations at local venues, community newsletters, and brochures 92.9 1.00 1.00 K P9 S.92 Sustainability in CBPR means the community must desire the project to continue 85.7 2.00 1.00 K P9 S.93 CBPR research actions produce preliminary accomplishments, which, in turn, improve community trust and create sustainability 85.7 2.00 1.00 A P9 S.95 CBPR researchers commit to continued relationships and networks within the community beyond a particular project or funding phase 100 1.00 1.00 A P9 S.96 CBPR researchers understand that the community partnership may not end when the project ends 92.9 1.00 1.00 S P9 S.97 CBPR researchers, in collaboration with community partners, have the ability to create a long-term vision 92.9 1.50 1.00 AC P9 S.99 CBPR researchers take the initiative to form and sustain trust through continuous community involvement 92.3 1.00 1.00 AC P9 S.101 CBPR researchers strive for a wide range of outcomes that may include impacting local policy, relational changes, sustainability, cultural awareness, reducing health disparities, and/or improved health outcomes 92.9 1.00 1.00 Round 2 (Expert Contributed Statements) K P1 S.1 The term “CBPR Researchers” applies to both academic and community partners 85.7 1.5 1.00 K P1 S.3 There is no one way to engage in CBPR 92.9 1.00 1.00 K P1 S.4 CBPR researchers need to know about what projects or plans have and have not worked in the past 85.7 1.50 1.00 K P1 S.5 CBPR is a philosophy that guides how a researcher engages a community in a respectful, honoring, and professional way 100 1.00 1.00 S P1 S.7 Researchers must practice cultural competence and be willing to work across different cultures, community identities, and varying needs 100 1.00 0.25