TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 1

The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 1 17 K P1 S.8 CBPR researchers need to know strategies for identifying and engaging relevant community partners 100 1.00 1.00 K P2 S.9 CBPR researchers need to know and/or be willing to learn about the community’s issues, concerns, and strengths 100 1.00 0.25 K P2 S.10 CBPR researchers need a strengths-based concept of skills 100 1.00 1.00 S P2 S.11 CBPR researchers should make skillful use of technology 100 2.00 0.50 A P2 S.12 CBPR researchers need to recognize that communities have strengths, assets, intelligence, history, wisdom, and perspectives that matter 100 1.00 0.00 A P2 S.13 CBPR researchers should be open-minded, better at listening than talking, and should know how to link project partners in meaningful ways 100 1.00 0.25 K P3 S.14 CBPR researchers need to be aware of personal biases 100 1.00 0.25 K P3 S.15 CBPR researchers need to know how to build trust and rapport with partners 100 1.00 0.00 S P3 S.16 Carrying out CBPR requires researchers to pay attention to power differentials that may emerge in the work 100 1.00 0.00 S P3 S.19 Carrying out CBPR requires researchers to be effective and reflective listeners 100 1.00 0.25 S P3 S.20 Carrying out CBPR requires researchers to have group facilitation skills 100 1.00 1.00 S P3 S.21 Researchers will demonstrate strong partnership skills (negotiating, collaborating, networking, liaising) 100 1.50 1.00 A P3 S.23 Carrying out CBPR projects requires researchers to be non- judgmental 92.9 2.00 1.00 A P3 S.24 CBPR researchers need to be willing to share power and control 100 1.00 1.00 A P3 S.25 CBPR researchers need to be honest and able to navigate academic and community settings with ease and transparency 92.9 1.00 1.00 A P3 S.26 CBPR researchers should value egalitarianism 92.9 1.00 1.00 A P3 S.27 CBPR researchers should be cognizant of systems of oppression and privilege 100 1.00 0.25 AC P3 S.29 CBPR researchers need to experience shared decision- making in their projects 100 1.00 1.00 K P4 S.30 Researchers must be knowledgeable about the principles of CBPR in order to decide with the partner community which of those principles will guide their work together 85.7 2.00 1.00 K P4 S.31 CBPR researchers need the ability to collaborate with community stakeholders by trusting them as experts in the research process 92.9 1.00 1.00 K P4 S.32 CBPR researchers need to understand that CBPR is about relationships and relationship building 100 1.00 1.00 K P4 S.33 CBPR researchers must learn about current community processes 92.9 1.50 1.00 S P4 S.34 Carrying out CBPR requires flexibility 100 1.00 0.00 S P4 S.36 CBPR projects require strong communication skills (including clarity, openness, deep listening, curiosity, cultural humility) 100 1.00 0.25