TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 2-Full-Issue

98 The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 2 Appendix B Lesson Plan for Lesson 3 in “Belonging in Middle School” Unit (Template from ASCA, 2018) Lesson Plan Template Activity: Belonging Role Play Grade(s): 6 ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors: • M3: Sense of belonging in the school environment • B-SS 2: Create positive and supportive relationships with other students Learning Goal(s): • U3: I belong in this school, which is here to help me succeed. • EQ3: How do I help myself and my classmates feel like they belong here? • D2: Listen actively to show respect and gain information • D3: Interpret cues such as word choice, tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions to identify feelings of others • D4: Communicate feelings to others using word choice, tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions Materials: • Small white board and marker for each small group • Helping Hand video (Daniel) at (play 0:00–3:10) • Muslim Girls Design Modest Sportswear video (Amira) at continue=63&v=pA7JQonL-TE (play 0:00–1:00) Procedure: • Show videos of Daniel and Amira. Students jot down notes on “cues” about how each is feeling: words, tone, body language, facial expressions. Students share what they found in same small groups from Lesson 2. Each group shares common conclusions with class. • Each group reviews lists made in Lesson 2 of verbal and non-verbal ways in which supportive or unsupportive peers communicate empathy or lack of empathy. • Explain instructions for Daniel and Amira role plays. (Student playing themselves must listen actively, interpret verbal and non-verbal cues, communicate empathy verbally and non-verbally.) • To prepare for role play, each group brainstorms ideas on white board about what it means to listen actively, and students watch videos of Daniel and Amira again to practice active listening. • Students break into pairs and role play a discussion as Daniel/a or Amir/a. • Partners give each other feedback on three key skills they practiced. • Lead whole-class discussion about how communicating empathy to Daniel and Amira as new students could help them feel they belong in the school. • Re-pose essential question. Ask students to reflect individually on how their answers changed from beginning of Lesson 1. • (Students complete written reflection as end-of-unit assessment.) Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected? • Process Data: Document the number of times this lesson is delivered to sixth-grade classes and how many students receive the lesson in each class. • Perception Data: At the end of Lesson 3, distribute written reflection prompts assessing what students learned in the “Belonging in Middle School” unit: o Identify all the new strategies you learned in this unit for helping yourself feel like you belong at our school. (U1, EQ1)