TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 2-Full-Issue

132 The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 2 as negative, and deterioration in their personal lives. However, with increasing levels of coworker and supervisory support, external demands may have less impact on school counselors. Table 1 DCSQ Subscale Reliability Subscale Cronbach’s Alpha Cronbach’s Alpha based on standardized items Number of Items DCSQ Control .171 .145 9 DCSQ Demand .807 .813 9 DCSQ Coworker Support .828 .843 6 DCSQ Supervisor Support .891 .890 5 DCSQ Support .907 .909 11 CBI Exhaustion .895 .900 4 CBI Incompetence .730 .733 4 CBI Negative Work Environment .828 .827 4 CBI Devaluing Clients .743 .759 4 CBI Deterioration in Personal Life .837 .836 4 Table 2 Correlation Matrix (DCSQ and CBI Subscales) Subscale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Control 1 -.246** .294** -.153** -.106* -.330** -.038 -.181** 2. Demand -.246** 1 -.272** .608** .297** .517** .142** .518** 3. Support .294** -.272** 1 -.224** -.166** -.646** -.221** -.252** 4. Exhaustion -.153** .608** -.224** 1 .430** .539** .161** .717** 5. Incompetence -.106* .297** -.166** .430** 1 .464** .409** .435** 6. New -.330** .517** -.646** .539** .464** 1 .314** .552** 7. Devaluing Clients -.038 .142** -.221** .161** .409** .314** 1 .277** 8. Deter in Pers Life -.181** .518** -.252** .717** .435** .552** .277** 1 Note . * p < .05 ** p < .01 The Control subscale demonstrated significant negative correlations with the Demand ( r = -.246, p < .01), Exhaustion ( r = -.153, p = < .01), Incompetence ( r = -.106, p < .05), and Deterioration in Personal Life ( r = -1.81, p < .01) subscales, and demonstrated a significant positive relationship with Coworker