TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 2-Full-Issue

146 The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 2 and biases to not superimpose her own experiences or subjective interpretations as a professional counselor (Smith, 2004; Smith & Osborn, 2008). The transferability of research findings was met by purposive sampling of participants based on their capacity to provide relevant knowledge on defining moment experiences (Anney, 2014). The criteria of ensuring dependability was met by employing the Dedoose qualitative research software program (Moylan, Derr, & Lindhorst, 2015) to independently organize, archive, and code interview data and field notes, as well as validate codes and themes derived from interview data (Silver & Lewins, 2014). The dependability of the data was enhanced by having the external auditor confirm the accuracy of (1) interview transcripts, (2) descriptive field notes, (3) the reflexive journal, (4) the theme codebook, and (5) Dedoose summaries and output. Table 2 Interview Questions for the Study Question No. Question content 1 Tell me about a defining moment that occurred while working with a client(s). This moment could have occurred in the early stages of counselor training or at a later time in your work as a counselor. 1a • What made it a defining moment? 1b • Do you have a takeaway from this moment? 1c • Is there anything else you would like to share about this experience? 2 How did this experience shape how you saw yourself as a professional counselor? As a person? 2a • What did this experience mean to you as a counselor? 2b • What did this experience mean to you on a personal level? 2c • What assisted you with making sense out of this experience? 3 How did this experience shape your sense of clinical competency? 3a • What strengths did you become aware of? 3b • What weaknesses or limitations did you become aware of? 4 How did you regard the therapeutic relationship between client and counselor prior to your defining moment experience? 4a • How did your understanding of the therapeutic relationship change or not change after the defining moment experience? 4b • How would you describe the therapeutic relationship between client and counselor as if you were describing this to a layperson/non-clinician? 5 As you reflect on your defining moment experience, how has your perspective changed or not changed? 5a • How did you make sense of the experience then? 5b • How do you make sense of the experience now?