TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 2-Full-Issue
162 The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 2 Table 1 Chi-square Tests of Independence Comparing RAMP Versus Non-RAMP Schools Independent Variable RAMP ( n = 133) Non-RAMP ( n = 133) Pearson χ 2 Cramer’s V Geographic Location 22.94 ** .29 City ( n = 71) 28 (39.4%) 43 (60.6%) Suburban ( n = 120) 79 (65.8%) 41 (34.3%) Town ( n = 22) 6 (27.3%) 16 (72.7%) Rural ( n = 53) 30 (37.7%) 33 (62.3%) School Level 7.61 .17 Primary ( n = 111) 45 (40.5%) 66 (59.5%) Middle ( n = 65) 33 (50.8%) 32 (49.2%) Secondary ( n = 79) 48 (60.8%) 31 (39.2%) Other ( n = 8) 4 (50.0%) 4 (50.0%) Cont. Correlation Phi Title I Eligible 33.08 ** -.36 Yes ( n = 159) 56 (35.2%) 103 (64.8%) No ( n = 107) 77 (71.0%) 30 (28.0%) Charter School 5.33 * -.16 Yes ( n = 11) 1 (9.1%) 10 (90.9%) No ( n = 243) 120 (49.4%) 123 (50.6%) Magnet School 6.17 * .17 Yes ( n = 29) 21 (72.4%) 8 (27.6%) No ( n = 222) 102 (45.9%) 120 (54.1%) Note . * = p < .05, ** = p < .001, Bonferroni correction of .003 for significant p value. A chi-square test for independence using Yates’ continuity correction indicated a non-statistically significant association between RAMP status and identity as a charter school among the schools in this study: χ 2 (1, N = 254) = 5.33, p < .05, phi = -.16 (Bonferroni corrected p value of .003). Of the 11 schools that were charter schools, 10 (90.9%) were non-RAMP schools and one (9.1%) was a RAMP school. However, schools that were not charter schools were evenly split between RAMP schools ( n = 120, 49.4%) and non-RAMP schools ( n = 123, 50.6%). Similarly, another chi-square test for independence using Yates’ continuity correction indicated no statistically significant association between RAMP status and identification as a magnet school among the schools in this study: χ 2 (1, N = 251) = 6.17, p < .05, phi = .17 (Bonferroni corrected p value of .003). Nonetheless, schools that identified as magnet schools ( N = 29) were more often RAMP schools ( n = 21, 72.4%) compared to non-RAMP schools ( n = 8, 27.6%). Of the schools that did not identify as a magnet school ( n = 222), 45.9% ( n = 102) were RAMP and 54.1% ( n = 120) were not RAMP.
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