TPC Journal-Vol 9 Issue 3-FULL

266 The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 3 Kaplan, D. M., & Kraus, K. L. (2018). Building blocks to portability: Culmination of the 20/20 initiative. Journal of Counseling & Development , 96 , 223–228. doi:10.1002/jcad.12195 Kaplan, D. M., Tarvydas, V. M., & Gladding, S. T. (2014). 20/20: A vision for the future of counseling: The new consensus definition of counseling. Journal of Counseling & Development , 92 , 366–372. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.2014.00164.x Mascari, J. B., & Webber, J. (2013). CACREP accreditation: A solution to license portability and counselor identity problems. Journal of Counseling & Development , 91 , 15–25. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.2013.00066.x McKinney, R., West, E., Fye, M., Bradley, R., & Storlie, C. A. (2018). Chi Sigma Iota chapter faculty advisors’ experiences of professional counselor identity. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy , 5 , 56–70. doi:10.1080/2326716X.2017.1422995 Mellin, E. A., Hunt, B., & Nichols, L. M. (2011). Counselor professional identity: Findings and implications for counseling and interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Counseling & Development , 89 , 140–147. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6678.2011.tb00071.x Myers, J. E., Sweeney, T. J., & White, V. E. (2002). Advocacy for counseling and counselors: A professional imperative. Journal of Counseling & Development , 80 , 394–402. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6678.2002.tb00205.x National Board for Certified Counselors. (2017, April). Joint statement on a national counselor licensure endorsement process . Retrieved fro m f National Board for Certified Counselors (2019). Benefits of being an NCC . Retrieved from resources/nccs/benefits Olson, S., Brown-Rice, K., & Gerodias, A. (2018). Professional counselor licensure portability: An examination of state license applications. The Professional Counselor ,  8 , 88–103. doi:10.15241/so.8.1.88 Remley, T. P., Jr., & Herlihy, B. (2007). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill/Prentice Hall. Saldaña, J. (2016). The coding manual for qualitative researchers (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Schreier, M. (2012). Qualitative content analysis in practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1990). Basics of qualitative research: Grounded theory procedures and techniques (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE. Tennessee Department of Health. (2015). Reciprocity agreement between Tennessee and Kentucky . Retrieved from Walker, J. L. (2012). Research column. The use of saturation in qualitative research. Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing , 22 (2), 37–42. Weber, R. P. (1990). Basic content analysis (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: SAGE.