TPC Journal-Vol 9 Issue 3-FULL
214 The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 3 Five participants identified both a White professor(s) and a clinical supervisor(s) they trusted. Three identified at least one professor, and two identified at least one supervisor. See Table 1 for demographic information regarding the participants and the role of their mentor. Table 1 Participant Demographic Information Gender Age Range Ethnic Undergrad Research Level PhD Program Area/ Location Raised Socio- Economic Status Parents’ Education How Many Mentors Position of Mentor Male 20s HBCU 2 Urban/ Northeast Working Class FGG One for 3 years Professor Male 20s PWI 1 City/ Southeast Working Class FGG Five between 1–5 years Professors/ Supervisors Male 20s PWI 3 Urban/ Midwest Working Class CGG Two for 2 years Professor/ Supervisor Male 20s PWI 1 Urban/ Midwest Working Class CGG Two for 3–4 years Professor/ Supervisor Female 50s HBCU 2 Suburban/ Mid-Atlantic Middle Class FGG Two for 3 years One for 10+ years Supervisors Female 20s PWI 2 Urban/ Mid-Atlantic Middle Class FGG Three for 2–3 years Supervisors Female 30s PWI 1 Suburban/ Southeast Working Class FGG One for 8 years Professor Female 20s PWI 2 Suburban/ Mid-Atlantic Working Class CGG Three for 1–2 years Supervisor/ Professor Female 20s PWI 2 Appalachian/ Midwest Poor FGG One for 1 year Professor Female 30s MSI 2 Suburban/ Southeast Working Class FGG One for 10 years One for 1 year Supervisor/ Professor Note. CGG = Continuing Generation College Graduates MSI = Minority-Serving Institution FGG = First Generation College Graduates PWI = Predominately White Institution HBCU = Historically Black College/University
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