TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 4-FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 4 379 Badenoch, B. (2008). Being a brain-wise therapist: A practical guide to interpersonal neurobiology . New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Co. Biofeedback Certification International Alliance. (n.d.). Neurofeedback certification . Retrieved from https:// Beeson, E. T., & Field, T. A. (2017). Neurocounseling: A new section of the Journal of Mental Health Counseling . Journal of Mental Health Counseling , 39 , 71–83. doi:10.17744/mehc.39.1.06 Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. (2015). 2016 CACREP standards . Alexandria, VA: Author. Dewey, J. (1938). Logic: The theory of inquiry . New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Faiver, C. M., Brennan, M. C., & Britton, P. J. (2012). Field placement: “Where the rubber hits the road.” In D. M. Perera-Diltz & K. C. MacCluskie (Eds.), The counselor educator’s survival guide: Designing and teaching outstanding courses in community mental health counseling and school counseling (pp. 283–297). New York, NY: Routledge. Field, T. A, Jones, L. K., & Russell-Chapin, L. A. (2017). Neurocounseling: Brain-based clinical approaches . Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association. Fishbane, M. D. (2013). Loving with the brain in mind: Neurobiology & couple therapy . New York, NY: W. W. Norton. Hayes, S. C. (2004). Acceptance and commitment therapy, relational frame theory, and the third wave of behavioral and cognitive therapies. Behavior Therapy , 35 , 639–665. doi:10.1016/S0005-7894(04)80013-3 Hebb, D. O. (1949). The organization of behavior: A neuropsychological theory . New York, NY: Wiley. Jamrozik, A., McQuire, M., Cardillo, E. R., & Chatterjee, A. (2016). Metaphor: Bridging embodiment to abstraction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review , 23 (4), 1080–1089. doi:10.3758/s13423-015-0861-0 Kalat, J. W. (2019). Biological psychology (13th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage. Kandel, E. R. (1976). Cellular basis of behavior: An introduction to behavioral neurobiology . Oxford, England: W. H. Freeman. Kandel, E. R., Dudai, Y., & Mayford, M. R. (2014). The molecular and systems biology of memory. Cell , 157 , 163–186. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2014.03.001 Kim, N. S., Ahn, W.-K., Johnson, S. G. B., & Knobe, J. (2016). The influence of framing on clinicians’ judgments of the biological basis of behaviors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied , 22 , 39–47. doi:10.1037/xap0000070 Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Lawson, G. (2005). The hero’s journey as a developmental metaphor in counseling. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development , 44 , 134–144. doi:10.1002/j.2164-490X.2005.tb00026.x Lebowitz, M. S., & Ahn, W.-K. (2014). Effects of biological explanations for mental disorders on clinicians’ empathy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 111 , 17786–17790. doi:10.1073/pnas.1414058111 Li, J., Park, E., Zhong, L. R., & Chen, L. (2019). Homeostatic synaptic plasticity as a metaplasticity mechanism— A molecular and cellular perspective. Current Opinion in Neurobiology , 54 , 44–53. doi:10.1016/j.conb.2018.08.010 Lorelle, S., & Michel, R. (2017). Neurocounseling: Promoting human growth and development throughout the life span. Adultspan Journal , 16 (2), 106–119. doi:10.1002/adsp.12039 Luke, C. (2016). Neuroscience for counselors and therapists: Integrating the sciences of mind and brain . Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Luke, C. (2017). Learner-centered counseling theory: An innovative perspective. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health , 12 , 305–319. doi:10.1080/15401383.2016.1249445 Luke, C. (2019). Neuroscience for counselors and therapists: Integrating the sciences of mind and brain (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Press. Luke, C., Redekop, F., & Jones, L. K. (2018). Addiction, stress, and relational disorder: A neuro-informed approach to intervention. Journal of Mental Health Counseling , 40 , 172–186. Michael, T., & Luke, C. (2016). Utilizing a metaphoric approach to teach the neuroscience of play therapy: A pilot study. International Journal of Play Therapy , 25, 45–52.