TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 4-FULL ISSUE

386 The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 4 Table 1 Demographic Information Characteristic n % Gender Male 37 36.3 Female 65 63.7 Ethnicity African American/Black 25 24.5 Caucasian/White 70 68.6 Multicultural 4 3.9 Other 2 1.9 Asian 1 0.9 Age 18 or younger 2 1.9 19–29 14 13.7 30–39 14 13.7 40–49 21 20.6 50–59 21 20.6 60+ 30 29.4 Marital status Married 56 54.9 Single 27 26.5 Separated/Divorced 15 14.7 Widowed 4 3.9 Seeking treatment for Physical health concerns 88 86.3 Mental health concerns 3 2.9 Both 2 2 Treatment status Never sought treatment 54 52.9 Sought treatment in the past 48 47.1 Length of treatment 1 year or less 18 17.6 1–4 years  11 10.8 5–10 years 9 8.8 11–25 years 5 4.9 Description of treatment Not at all helpful 1 1 Somewhat helpful 9 8.8 Generally helpful 10 9.8 Very/Extremely helpful 28 23.3 (continued)