TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 4-FULL ISSUE
The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 4 413 Giacopassi, D. J., & Dull, R. T. (1986). Gender and racial differences in the acceptance of rape myths within a college population. Sex Roles , 15 , 63–75. doi:10.1007/BF00287532 Granello, D. H., & Gibbs, T. A. (2016). The power of language and labels: “The mentally ill” versus “people with mental illness.” Journal of Counseling & Development , 94 , 31–40. doi:10.1002/jcad.12059 Groves, R. M. (1989). Research on survey data quality. The Public Opinion Quarterly , 51 , S156–S172 . Hockett, J. M., Smith, S. J., Klausing, C. D., & Saucier, D. A. (2016). Rape myth consistency and gender differences in perceiving rape victims: A meta-analysis. Violence Against Women , 22 , 139–167. doi:10.1177/1077801215607359 Hunt, S. (2013). Deconstructing demand: The driving force of sex trafficking. The Brown Journal of World Affairs , 19 (2), 225. Imel, Z. E., Wampold, B. E., Miller, S. D., & Fleming, R. R. (2008). Distinctions without a difference: Direct comparisons of psychotherapies for alcohol use disorders. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , 22 , 533–543. doi:10.1037/a0013171 International Labour Organization. (2012). New ILO global estimate of forced labour: 20.9 million victims. Retrieved from ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_182109/lang--en/index.htm Jimenez, J. A., & Abreu, J. M. (2003). Race and sex effects on attitudinal perceptions of acquaintance rape. Journal of Counseling Psychology , 50 , 252–256. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.50.2.252 Johnson, P. (1997). A history of the American people. New York, NY: Harper Collins. Kushmider, K. D., Beebe, J. E., & Black, L. L. (2015). Rape myth acceptance: Implications for counselor education programs. The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision , 7 (3). doi:10.7729/73.1071 Lefley, H., Scott, C., Llabre, M., & Hicks, D. (1993). Cultural beliefs about rape and victims’ responses in three ethnic groups. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry , 63 , 623–632. doi:10.1037/h0079477 Lenth, R. V. (2001). Some practical guidelines for effective sample size determination. The American Statistician , 55 (3), 187–193. doi:10.1198/000313001317098149 Levin, L., & Peled, E. (2011). The attitudes toward prostitutes and prostitution scale: A new tool for measuring public attitudes toward prostitutes and prostitution. Research on Social Work Practice , 21 , 582–593. doi:10.1177/1049731511406451 Litam, S. D. A. (2017). Human sex trafficking in America: What counselors need to know. The Professional Counselor , 7 , 45–61. doi:10.15241/sdal.7.1.45 Lonsway, K. A., & Fitzgerald, L. F. (1994). Rape myths: In review. Psychology of Women Quarterly , 18 , 133–140. doi:10.1111/j.1471-6402.1994.tb00448.x Maier, S. L. (2008). “I have heard horrible stories…”: Rape victim advocates’ perceptions of the revictimization of rape victims by the police and medical system. Violence Against Women , 14 , 786–808. McCoy, V. A., & DeCecco, P. G. (2011). Person-first language training needed in higher education. In Ideas and research you can use: VISTAS 2011. Retrieved from /2011-v-online/Article_05.pdf McLindon, E., & Harms, L. (2011). Listening to mental health workers’ experiences: Factors influencing their work with women who disclose sexual assault. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing , 20 , 2–11. doi:10.1111/j.1447- 0349.2010.00697.x Mestre, M. V., Samper, P., Frias, M. D., & Tur, A. M. (2009). Are women more empathetic than men? A longitudinal study in adolescence. The Spanish Journal of Psychology , 12 , 76–83. doi:10.1017/S1138741600001499 Moyers, T. B., & Miller, W. R. (2013). Is low therapist empathy toxic? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , 27 , 878– 884. doi:10.1037/a0030274 Muftic, L. R., & Finn, M. A. (2013). Health outcomes among women trafficked for sex in the United States: A closer look. Journal of Interpersonal Violence , 28 , 1859–1885. doi:10.1177/0886260512469102 National Institute of Justice. (2017). Rape and sexual violence. Washington, DC: Author. Outshoorn, J. (2005). The political debates on prostitution and trafficking of women. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society , 12 , 141–155. Payne, D. L., Lonsway, K. A., & Fitzgerald, L. F. (1999). Rape myth acceptance: Exploration of its structure and its measurement using the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale. Journal of Research in Personality , 33 , 27–68. doi:10.1006/jrpe.1998.2238
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