TPC Journal-Vol 9- Issue 4-FULL ISSUE
The Professional Counselor | Volume 9, Issue 4 351 In order to ascertain the number of participants required to make for a robust study, G*Power (Heinrich, 2014) was used. According to the information, 89 individuals are the minimum number of participants required to ensure the results had enough power, and our sample size far exceeded the minimum requirement. In order to reduce the possibility of a Type II error, we used an alpha level of .05 to determine statistical significance. Results School Counselor Contacts Multiple logistic regression was conducted to determine which dependent variables of school counselor contact (i.e., attendance, college planning, concerns about grades, goal setting) and demographic variables (i.e., FRL status, GPA, ethnicity, and perception of needed additional assistance with college topics) were statistically significant predictors of enrollment at least once in a 2- or 4-year postsecondary institution. Regression results indicated the overall model of eight predictors: four dependent variables (meeting with school counselors about college planning, concerns about grades, attendance, and goal setting) and four demographic variables (FRL status, GPA, ethnicity, and perception of needing more assistance with college-related topics). The model of eight predictors was statistically reliable in distinguishing between students who did not enroll in postsecondary institutions and those who did. The Nagelkerke R 2 = .262 ( p < .0001) indicated that the predictor variables accounted for about 26% of the variability in student outcomes. The Hosmer and Lemeshow test indicated the goodness-of-fit ( p = .381, X 2 = 8.559). Significance levels and odds ratios are presented in Table 1. Table 1 Logistic Regression Analysis Predicting Postsecondary Enrollment at Least Once (N = 2,209) Sig. Exp(B) Weighted GPA .000 2.222 FRL Status (1) .021 .771 College Planning (1) .000 1.436 Concerns About Grades (1) .659 1.049 Goal Setting (1) .687 .754 Attendance .000 .577 Needing More Assistance? (1) .772 1.029 Ethnicity White .873 .924 Black .093 2.308 Asian .591 1.354 Hispanic/Latinx .305 .605 Constant .001 .183 Note. FRL = Free and reduced lunch; Needing More Assistance? = Were there parts of the college search and/or application process you felt you needed more assistance or information?; (1) = Student met with school counselor for indicated contact type, qualified for FRL, and/or felt they needed more assistance/information. Of the variables, four did not have significant group differences: ethnicity, concerns about grades, goal setting, and perceptions of further need regarding postsecondary topics. But, FRL status, GPA, college planning contact, and attendance contact with school counselors all had significant group
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