TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 2-FULL ISSUE

242 The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 2 distance. We checked multicollinearity and found it to be an issue for school district (tolerance < .01). Therefore, we removed the school district variable and reentered years of experience in Step 1. To control for Type I error, we used the Bonferroni method to adjust the family-wise alpha (Darlington & Hayes, 2017), which resulted in .01 as the cutoff for statistical significance for Step 2 (i.e., individual factors) and .0056 as the cutoff for statistical significance for Step 3 (i.e., organizational factors). Results for each of these models are presented in Table 2. Table 1 Qualities of Instrumentation Instrumentation Scores M SD α Perceived Stress Scale-4 Total Score Problem-Focused Coping Avoidant-Emotional Coping Active-Emotional Coping Job Satisfaction Scale Total Score Role Ambiguity Role Incongruity Role Conflict Exhaustion Incompetence Negative Work Environment Devaluing Client Deterioration in Personal Life 4–19 8–32 8–24 10–38 82–204 7–42 4–28 4–26 4–20 4–17 4–20 4–13 4–19 8.24 22.55 12.48 25.74 143.25 29.67 15 . 47 15.18 11.54 8.77 9.87 5.61 8.65 2.86 5.29 3.03 5.56 25.28 7.25 5.77 5.58 3.97 2.96 3.75 2.08 3.32 .76 .84 .70 .81 .91 .90 .82 .79 .89 .78 .85 .80 .78