TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 2-FULL ISSUE
The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 2 249 Cooper, C., Katona, C., & Livingston, G. (2008). Validity and reliability of the Brief COPE in carers of people with dementia: The LASER-AD Study. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease , 196 (11), 838–843. Culbreth, J. R., Scarborough, J. L., Banks-Johnson, A., & Solomon, S. (2005). Role stress among practicing school counselors. Counselor Education and Supervision , 45 (1), 58–71. Darlington, R. B., & Hayes, A. F. (2017). Regression analysis and linear models: Concepts, applications, and implementation (1st ed.) . Guilford. Deatherage, S., Servaty-Seib, H. L., & Aksoz, I. (2014). Stress, coping, and internet use of college students. Journal of American College Health , 62 (1), 40–46. Dimitrov, D. M. (2009). Quantitative research in education: Intermediate and advanced methods. Whittier. Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Buchner, A., & Lang, A.-G. (2009). Statistical power analyses using G*Power 3.1: Tests for correlation and regression analyses. Behavior Research Methods , 41 (4), 1149–1160. Folkman, S., & Lazarus, R. S. (1985). If it changes it must be a process: Study of emotion and coping during three stages of a college examination. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 48 (1), 150–170. Folkman, S., & Moskowitz, J. T. (2004). Coping: Pitfalls and promise. Annual Review of Psychology , 55 (1), 745– 774. Freeman, B., & Coll, K. M. (1997). Factor structure of the Role Questionnaire (RQ): A study of high school counselors. Measurement & Evaluation in Counseling and Development , 30 (1), 32–39. Fye, H. J., Gnilka, P. B., & McLaulin, S. E. (2018). Perfectionism and school counselors: Differences in stress, coping, and burnout. Journal of Counseling & Development , 96 (4), 349–360. Gnilka, P. B., Karpinski, A. C., & Smith, H. J. (2015). Factor structure of the Counselor Burnout Inventory in a sample of professional school counselors. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development , 48 (3), 177–191. Holman, L. F., Nelson, J., & Watts, R. (2019). Organizational variables contributing to school counselor burnout: An opportunity for leadership, advocacy, collaboration, and systemic change. The Professional Counselor , 9 (2), 126–141. Kim, N., & Lambie, G. W. (2018). Burnout and implications for professional school counselors. The Professional Counselor , 8 (3), 277–294. Kolodinsky, P., Draves, P., Schroder, V., Lindsey, C., & Zlatev, M. (2009). Reported levels of satisfaction and frustration by Arizona school counselors: A desire for greater connections with students in a data- driven era. Professional School Counseling , 12 (3), 193–199. Lazarus, R. S. (1993). Coping theory and research: Past, present, and future. Psychosomatic Medicine , 55 (3), 234–247. Lazarus, R. S., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, appraisal, and coping. Springer. Lee, S. M., Baker, C. R., Cho, S. H., Heckathorn, D. E., Holland, M. W., Newgent, R. A., Ogle, N. T., Powell, M. L., Quinn, J. J., Wallace, S. L., & Yu, K. (2007). Development and initial psychometrics of the Counselor Burnout Inventory. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development , 40 (3), 142–154. Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2017). Understanding burnout: New models. In C. L. Cooper & J. C. Quick (Eds.), The handbook of stress and health: A guide to research and practice (1st ed., pp. 36–56). Wiley-Blackwell. McCarthy, C., Van Horn Kerne, V., Calfa, N. A., Lambert, R. G., & Guzmán, M. (2010). An exploration of school counselors’ demands and resources: Relationship to stress, biographic, and caseload characteristics. Professional School Counseling , 13 (3), 146–158. Moyer, M. (2011). Effects of non-guidance activities, supervision, and student-to-counselor ratios on school counselor burnout. Journal of School Counseling , 9 (5), 1–30. Mullen, P. R., Blount, A. J., Lambie, G. W., & Chae, N. (2018). School counselors’ perceived stress, burnout, and job satisfaction. Professional School Counseling , 21 (1), 1–10.
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