TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 2-FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 2 255 Table 1 Participant Demographics Variable n % Gender Female 175 76.8 Male 51 22.4 Other 2 0.9 Race/Ethnicity Caucasian 174 76.3 Black or African American 21 9.2 Hispanic or Latino 19 8.3 Multiracial 9 3.9 Asian 3 1.3 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 1 0.4 Other 1 0.4 Professional Orientation Licensed professional counselors (LMHC, LPC etc.) 159 69.7 School counselors 43 18.9 Marriage and family therapists 7 3.1 Clinical psychologists 8 3.5 Social workers 3 1.3 Other 8 3.5 License Level Fully licensed 190 83.3 Provisional license 23 10.1 Other 15 6.6 Employment setting Outpatient 58 25.4 K–12 schools 54 23.7 Inpatient 43 18.9 Private practice 35 15.4 Community mental health 8 3.5 Corrections 8 3.5 College counseling 6 2.6 Intensive in-home 4 1.7 Social services 4 1.7 Government 4 1.8 Shelter and domestic violence 2 0.9 Telephone counseling 1 0.4 Religious-based counseling 1 0.4 Note. N = 228