TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 2-FULL ISSUE

164 The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 2 Table 2 Summary of Hierarchical Regression Analyses Predicting PWB and Life Satisfaction Step and Variable ∆R 2 ∆F β t r sp Outcome variable: PWB Step 1 – Internal resources .22 38.619*** Attachment anxiety -.14 -3.438** -.07* Attachment avoidance -.09 -2.308* -.03 Ego resilience .40 9.685*** .23*** Step 2 – Emerging adulthood .09 8.259*** Experimentation/possibilities .19 4.677*** .14*** Negativity/instability -.23 -6.177*** -.20*** Identity exploration .06 1.403 .05 Feeling in between .00 0.03 -.02 Step 3 – Social resources .03 1.681*** Social support .19 4.679*** .16*** Facebook usage .09 2.361* .08* Outcome variable: Life satisfaction Step 1 – Internal resources .22 32.966*** Attachment anxiety -.12 -2.960** -.03 Attachment avoidance -.20 -5.185*** -.11** Ego resilience .36 8.711*** .17*** Step 2 – Emerging adulthood .09 8.131*** Experimentation/possibilities .26 6.571*** .20*** Negativity/instability -.19 -5.139*** -.15*** Identity exploration .01 0.304 .02 Feeling in between -.05 -1.273 -.07* Step 3 – Social resources .08 4.872*** Social support .31 8.138*** .27*** Facebook usage .08 2.176* .07* Note . N = 538. Results control for the effects of gender. r sp = semipartial correlation. r sp is reported for the last step in each model. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001. Hypothesis 2 predicted that the emerging adulthood variables and Facebook usage would each predict significant individual variance in each outcome variable after accounting for the effects of all other predictor variables. To test this hypothesis, semipartial correlations ( r sp ) were examined for all variables at the last step of the hierarchical regression (i.e., the step in which all variables are entered into the model). Semipartial correlations examine the unique variance explained by a single predictor after accounting for the collective variance explained by all other predictors (Meyers et al., 2013). As