TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 2-FULL ISSUE
The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 2 179 Cutuli, J. J., Desjardins, C. D., Herbers, J. E., Long, J. D., Heistad, D., Chan, C.-K., Hinz, E., & Masten, A. S. (2013). Academic achievement trajectories of homeless and highly mobile students: Resilience in the context of chronic and acute risk. Child Development , 84 (3) , 841–857. Doka, K. J. (Ed.). (1989). Disenfranchised grief: Recognizing hidden sorrow . Lexington Books. Dworsky, A., & P é rez, A. (2010). Helping former foster youth graduate from college through campus support programs. Children and Youth Services Review , 32 (2) , 255–263. Furlong, M., Sharkey, J., Quirk, M., & Dowdy, E. (2011). Exploring the protective and promotive effects of school connectedness on the relation between psychological health risk and problem behaviors/ experiences. Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology , 1 (1), 18–34. Gilligan, R. (2007). Adversity, resilience and the educational progress of young people in public care. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties , 12 (2), 135–145. Gladding, S. T. (2016). Groups: A counseling specialty (7th ed.) . Pearson. Glasser, W. (1984). Take effective control of your life. Harper & Row. Glasser, W. (1992). The quality school: Managing students without coercion (2nd ed.) . Harper Perennial. Glasser, W. (2000). Counseling with choice theory: The new reality therapy . HarperCollins. Golding, K. S., Fain, J., Frost, A., Mills, C., Worrall, H., Roberts, N., Durrant, E., & Templeton, S. (2013). Observing children with attachment difficulties in school: A tool for identifying and supporting emotional and social difficulties in children aged 5–11. Jessica Kingsley. Granot, D., & Mayseless, O. (2001). Attachment security and adjustment to school in middle childhood. International Journal of Behavioral Development , 25 (6), 530–541. Hambrick, E. P., Oppenheim-Weller, S., N’zi, A. M., & Taussig, H. N. (2016). Mental health interventions for children in foster care: A systematic review. Children and Youth Services Review , 70 , 65–77. Hopson, L. M., & Lee, E. (2011). Mitigating the effect of family poverty on academic and behavioral outcomes: The role of school climate in middle and high school. Children and Youth Services Review , 33 (11), 2221– 2229. Kerr, L., & Cossar, J. (2014). Attachment interventions with foster and adoptive parents: A systematic review. Child Abuse Review , 23 (6), 426–439. Kirk, C. M., Lewis, R. K., Nilsen, C., & Colvin, D. Q. (2013). Foster care and college: The educational aspirations and expectations of youth in the foster care system. Youth & Society , 45 (3), 307–323. Kress, V. E., Paylo, M. J., & Stargell, N. A. (2019). Counseling children and adolescents. Pearson. Landsverk, J. A., Burns, B. J., Stambaugh, L. F., & Reutz, J. A. R. (2009). Psychosocial interventions for children and adolescents in foster care: Review of research literature. Child Welfare: Journal of Policy, Practice, and Program , 88 (1), 49–69. Lee, R. E., & Whiting, J. B. (2007). Foster children’s expressions of ambiguous loss. The American Journal of Family Therapy , 35 (5), 417–428. MacNeil, A. J., Prater, D. L., & Busch, S. (2009). The effects of school culture and climate on student achievement. International Journal of Leadership in Education , 12 (1) , 73–84. McKellar, N., & Cowen, K. C. (2011). Supporting students in foster care. Principal Leadership , 12 (1), 12–16. Mitchell, C. (2010). Back to school: A guide to making schools and school assignments more adoption-friendly. Adoption Advocate , 27 , 1–9 . OCATE_NO27.pdf Mitchell, M. B. (2016). The family dance: Ambiguous loss, meaning making, and the psychological family in foster care. Journal of Family Theory & Review , 8 (3) , 360–372. Mitchell, M. B. (2018). “No one acknowledged my loss and hurt”: Non-death loss, grief, and trauma in foster care. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal , 35 , 1–9. Mitchell, M. B., & Kuczynski, L. (2010). Does anyone know what is going on? Examining children’s lived experience of the transition into foster care. Children and Youth Services Review , 32 (3), 437–444.
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