TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 2-FULL ISSUE
180 The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 2 National Working Group for Foster Care and Education. (2018). Fostering success in education: National fact sheet on the educational outcomes of children in foster care. Modules/Bring2mind/DMX/Download.aspx?portalid=0&EntryId=2100&Command=Core_Download O’Connor, E., & McCartney, K. (2007). Examining teacher–child relationships and achievement as part of an ecological model of development. American Educational Research Journal , 44 (2), 340–369. Octoman, O., McLean, S., & Sleep, J. (2014). Children in foster care: What behaviours do carers find challenging? Clinical Psychologist , 18 (1) , 10–20. O’Malley, M., Voight, A., Renshaw, T. L., & Eklund, K. (2015). School climate, family structure, and academic achievement: A study of moderation effects. School Psychology Quarterly , 30 (1), 142–157. Palmieri, L. E., & La Salle, T. P. (2017). Supporting students in foster care. Psychology in the Schools , 54 (2), 117– 126. Pecora, P. J., Williams, J., Kessler, R. C., Hiripi, E., O’Brien, K., Emerson, J., Herrick, M. A., & Torres, D. (2006). Assessing the educational achievements of adults who were formerly placed in family foster care. Child & Family Social Work , 11 (3) , 220–231. Piel, M. H., Geiger, J. M., Julien-Chinn, F. J., & Lietz, C. A. (2017). An ecological systems approach to understanding social support in foster family resilience. Child & Family Social Work , 22 (2), 1034–1043. Sabol, T. J., & Pianta, R. C. (2012). Recent trends in research on teacher–child relationships. Attachment & Human Development , 14 (3), 213–231. Salazar, A. M., Roe, S. S., Ullrich, J. S., & Haggerty, K. P. (2016). Professional and youth perspectives on higher education-focused interventions for youth transitioning from foster care. Children and Youth Services Review , 64 , 23–34. Scherr, T. G. (2014). Best practices in working with children living in foster care . In P. L. Harrison & A. Thomas (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology: Foundations (pp. 169–179). NASP Publications. Tilbury, C., Creed, P., Buys, N., Osmond, J., & Crawford, M. (2014). Making a connection: School engagement of young people in care. Child & Family Social Work , 19 (4), 455–466. University of Minnesota. (2019, December 26). Check and connect student engagement intervention. Institute on Community Integration. Unrau, Y. A., Font, S. A., & Rawls, G. (2012). Readiness for college engagement among students who have aged out of foster care. Children and Youth Services Review , 34 (1) , 76–83. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018). The AFCARS report: Preliminary FY 2017 estimates as of August 10, 2018 – No. 25 . Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children’s Bureau. Voight, A., Austin, G., & Hanson, T. (2013). A climate for academic success: How school climate distinguishes schools that are beating the achievement odds (Report Summary) . WestEd. West, S. D., Day, A. G., Somers, C. L., & Baroni, B. A. (2014). Student perspectives on how trauma experiences manifest in the classroom: Engaging court-involved youth in the development of a trauma-informed teaching curriculum. Children and Youth Services Review , 38 , 58–65. Wubbolding, R. E. (2011). Reality therapy: Theories of psychotherapy series. American Psychological Association. Zins, J. E., & Elias, M. J. (2007). Social and emotional learning: Promoting the development of all students. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation , 17 (2-3), 233–255. Ziomek-Daigle, J., Goodman-Scott, E., Cavin, J., & Donohue, P. (2016). Integrating a multi-tiered system of supports with comprehensive school counseling programs. The Professional Counselor , 6 (3), 220–232.
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