TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 2-FULL ISSUE

186 The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 2 most or all of their clients who self-injured were female, five (5.3%) reported that most or all of their clients who self-injured were transgender, and one (1.1%) reported that most or all clients who self- injured were male. With regard to race, 63 (67.0%) clinicians reported that most or all of their clients who self-injured were White and nine (9.6%) clinicians reported that most or all of their clients who self-injured were members of a marginalized racial group. With regard to age, 36 (38.3%) clinicians reported that most or all of their clients who self-injured were adolescents, 31 (33.0%) reported that most or all of their clients who self-injured were adults, and one (1.1%) reported that most or all of their clients who self-injured were children. In terms of method of self-injury, 43 (45.7%) clinicians reported that most or all of their clients who self-injured engaged in cutting and seven (7.4%) clinicians reported that most or all of their clients who self-injured engaged in self-injurious behavior other than cutting (e.g., burning, hitting, scratching, punching). Therefore, the experience of NSSI is diverse. Although a substantial portion of clinicians reported that the majority of clients presenting with NSSI were White female adolescents who engaged in cutting, numerous clinicians indicated some clients (up to 50%) were male or transgender, children or adults, clients of color, and engaged in methods other than cutting. Table 1 Number of Clinicians Endorsing Each Response Item: Among your clients who self-injure, what portion are: None (0%) Some ( < 50%) About half (50%) Most ( > 50%) All (100%) Female 1 (1.1%) 17 (18.1%) 12 (12.8%) 43 (45.7%) 18 (19.1%) Male 21 (22.3%) 57 (60.6%) 11 (11.7%) 1 (1.1%) 0 Transgender 39 (41.5%) 37 (39.4%) 9 (9.6%) 3 (3.2%) 2 (2.1%) White 2 (2.1%) 20 (21.3%) 6 (6.4%) 45 (47.9%) 18 (19.1%) Person of Color 25 (26.6%) 51 (54.3%) 7 (7.4%) 6 (6.4%) 3 (3.2%) Children 64 (68.1%) 24 (25.5%) 0 0 1 (1.1%) Adolescents 19 (20.2%) 22 (23.4%) 15 (16.0%) 31 (33.0%) 5 (5.3%) Adults 7 (7.4%) 39 (41.5%) 13 (13.8%) 22 (23.4%) 9 (9.6%) Engaged primarily in cutting 2 (2.1%) 32 (34.0%) 14 (14.9%) 35 (37.2%) 8 (8.5%) Engaged primarily in self-injurious behavior other than cutting 19 (20.2%) 52 (55.3%) 14 (14.9%) 6 (6.4%) 1 (1.1%) Note. Numerical values refer to number of clinicians endorsing that response, followed by percent of clinicians out of the total ( N = 94); percentages do not equate to 100 because of missing items: female (missing 3), male (missing 4), transgender (missing 4), White (missing 3), person of color (missing 2), children (missing 5), adolescents (missing 2), adults (missing 4), primarily cutting (missing 3), primarily other behavior (missing 2).