TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 3-FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 3 317 Peek, C. J., & the National Integration Academy Council. (2013). Lexicon for behavioral health and primary care integration: Concepts and definitions developed by expert consensus. AHRQ Publication No.13-IP001-EF. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Ray-Sannerud, B. N., Dolan, D. C., Morrow, C. E., Corso, K. A., Kanzler, K. E., Corso, M. L., Bryan, C. J. (2012). Longitudinal outcomes after brief behavioral health intervention in an integrated primary care clinic. Families, Systems, & Health , 30 (1), 60–71. Reiter, J. T., Dobmeyer, A. C., & Hunter, C. L. (2018). The Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model: An overview and operational definition. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings , 25 (2), 109–126. Robinson, P. (2015). PCBH Brief Intervention Competency Assessment Tool (BI-CAT). Mountainview Consulting. Robinson, P., Oyemaja, J., Beachy, B., Goodie, J., Sprague, L., Bell, J., Maples, M., & Ward, C. (2018). Creating a primary care workforce: Strategies for leaders, clinicians, and nurses. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings , 25 (2), 169–186. Robinson, P. J., & Reiter, J. T. (2016). Behavioral consultation and primary care: A guide to integrating services (2nd ed.). Springer. Sampson, M. (2017). Teaching note—Meeting the demand for behavioral health clinicians: Innovative training through the GLOBE project. Journal of Social Work Education , 53 (4), 744–750. Serrano, N., Cordes, C., Cubic, B., & Daub, S. (2018). The state and future of the Primary Care Behavioral Health model of service delivery workforce. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings , 25 (2), 157– 168. Sheperis, D. S., & Sheperis, C. J. (2015). Clinical mental health counseling: Fundamentals of applied practice (1st ed.). Pearson. Speroff, T., & O’Connor, G. T. (2004). Study designs for PDSA quality improvement research. Quality Management in Healthcare , 13 (1), 17–32. PDSA%20QI%20Research.Speroff.2004.pdf Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2015). Behavioral health barometer . https://www. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2016). 2016 national survey of drug use and health . Tang, M., Addison, K. D., LaSure‐Bryant, D., Norman, R., O’Connell, W., & Stewart‐Sicking, J. A. (2004). Factors that influence self‐efficacy of counseling students: An exploratory study. Counselor Education and Supervision , 44 (1), 70–80. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2016). National projections of supply and demand for selected behavioral health practitioners: 2013-2025 . analysis/research/projections/behavioral-health2013-2025.pdf Viron, M. J., & Stern, T. A. (2010). The impact of serious mental illness on health and healthcare. Psychosomatics , 51 (6), 458–465. (10)70737-4 Vogel, M., Malcore, S., Illes, R., & Kirkpatrick, H. (2014). Integrated primary care: Why you should care and how to get started. Journal of Mental Health Counseling , 36 (2), 130–144. Wagner, E. H., Glasgow, R. E., Davis, C., Bonomi, A. E., Provost, L., McCulloch, D., Carver, P., & Sixta, C. (2001). Quality improvement in chronic illness care: A collaborative approach. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement , 27 (2), 63–80. (01)27007-2 Wammes, J. J. G., van der Wees, P. J., Tanke, M. A. C., Westert, G. P., & Jeurissen, P. P. T. (2018). Systematic review of high-cost patients’ characteristics and healthcare utilisation. BMJ Open , 8 (9), 1–17. Waxmonsky, J., Auxier, A., Wise-Romero, P., & Heath, B. (2013). Integrated Practice Assessment Tool (IPAT).