TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 3-FULL ISSUE
Editorial Staff Senior Advisory Board Judith C. Durham Samuel T. Gladding Lynn K. Hall Theodore P. Remley, Jr. James P. Sampson, Jr. Editorial Review Board 2020 The Professional Counselor ( TPC ) is the official, peer- reviewed, open-access electronic journal of the National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. and Affiliates (NBCC), dedicated to research and commentary on empirical and theoretical topics relevant to professional counseling and related areas. TPC publishes original manuscripts relating to the following topics: mental and behavioral health counseling; school counseling; career counseling; couple, marriage, and family counseling; counseling supervision; theory development; ethical issues; international counseling issues; program applications; and integrative reviews of counseling and related fields. The intended audience for TPC includes National Certified Counselors, counselor educators, mental health practitioners, graduate students, researchers, supervisors, human services professionals, and the general public. About The Professional Counselor National Board for Certified Counselors 3 Terrace Way, Greensboro, NC 27403-3660 The Professional Counselor © 2020 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates Hannah Acquaye Susan A. Adams Kathryn Alessandria Ellen Armbruster Jennifer Beebe Sara Bender Kirk Bowden Kathleen Brown-Rice Matthew R. Buckley Rebekah Byrd Joel Carr Keith M. Davis Mary M. Deacon Daniel DeCino Karen Decker Joel F. Diambra Karen Dickinson Syntia Santos Dietz Robin Dufresne Kelly Emelianchik-Key Adrienne Erby Thomas Fonseca Courtney E. Gasser Gary G. Gintner Barry Glick Charlotte Hamilton Latoya Hanes-Thoby Shannon Hodges Linda Holloway Eleni Maria Honderich Franc Hudspeth J. Richelle Joe David Jones Maribeth F. Jorgensen Viki P. Kelchner Elizabeth Keller-Dupree Carie Kempton David S. King Jason King Branis Knezevic Kristen Langellier Justin Lauka Kristi A. Lee Yanhong Liu Jessica Lloyd-Hazlett Sandra Logan-McKibben Huan-Tang Lu Miles J. Matise Mary-Catherine McClain Carol McGinnis Cherise M. Murphy Cheryl W. Neale-McFall Allison Paolini J. Dwaine Phifer Dustin Reed Wendy Rock Jyotsana Sharma Katharine Sperandio Angelica Tello Michael M. Tursi Alwin E. Wagener Jeffrey M. Warren Claudia Weese Amy Williams Heather Zeng Chelsey Zoldan Amie A. Manis, Editor Catherine Clifton, Managing Editor Gretchen C. Porter, Sr. Copy Editor Kristin Rairden, Sr. Graphics Specialist Rachel P. Sommers, Media Support Specialist Kylie P. Dotson-Blake, Publisher
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