TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 3-FULL ISSUE

380 The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 3 Table 1 Items, Means, and Standard Deviation for the SCKSS  Rate the following regarding your knowledge on the item: M SD 1. I know our school’s policies and programs regarding the prevention of behavior problems. 3.66 0.95 2. I understand the role and function of our schoolwide behavior team. 3.58 1.12 3. I know our annual goals and objectives for the schoolwide behavior program. 3.33 1.19 4. I know our school’s system for screening with students with behavior problems. 3.35 1.20 5. I know how to access and use our school’s pre-referral teacher assistance team. 3.23 1.43 6. I know how to provide access and implement our school’s counseling programs. 4.20 0.84 7. I know the influence of cultural/ethnic variables on student’s school behavior. 3.83 0.87 8. I know the programs our school uses to help students with their social and emotional development (schoolwide expectations, conflict resolution, etc.). 3.92 0.95 9. I know a range of community services to assist students with emotional/behavioral problems. 3.72 0.93 10. I know our school’s discipline process—the criteria for referring students to the office, the methods used to address the problem behavior, and how and when students are returned to the classroom. 3.72 1.03 11. I know what functional behavioral assessments are and how they are used to develop behavior intervention plans for students. 3.35 1.12 12. I know how our schoolwide behavior team collects and uses data to evaluate our schoolwide behavior program. 3.12 1.29 13. I know how to provide accommodations and modifications for students with emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD) to support their successful participation in the general education setting. 3.34 1.09 14. I know our school’s crisis intervention plan for emergency situations. 3.74 1.06 Rate how effectively you use the following skills/strategies: 15. Approaches for helping students to solve social/interpersonal problems. 4.04 0.71 16. Methods for teaching the schoolwide behavioral expectations/social skills. 3.62 0.96 17. Methods for encouraging and reinforcing the use of expectations/social skills. 3.80 0.84 18. Strategies for improving family–school partnerships. 3.35 0.92 19. Collaborating with the school’s student assistance team to implement student’s behavior intervention plans. 3.50 1.11 20. Collaborating with the school’s IEP team to implement student’s individualized education programs. 3.53 1.09 21. Evaluating the effectiveness of student’s intervention plans and programs. 3.38 1.01 22. Modifying curriculum to meet individual performance levels. 3.10 1.09 23. Selecting and using materials that respond to cultural, gender, or developmental differences. 3.26 1.02 24. Establishing and maintaining a positive and consistent classroom environment. 3.71 0.98 25. Identifying the function of student’s behavior problems. 3.52 0.92 26. Using data in my decision-making process for student’s behavioral programs. 3.39 1.01 27. Using prompts and cues to remind students of behavioral expectations. 3.67 0.95 28. Using self-monitoring approaches to help students demonstrate behavioral expectations. 3.48 0.96 29. Communicating regularly with parents/guardians about student’s behavioral progress. 3.64 0.97 30. Using alternative settings or methods to resolve student’s social/emotional problems (problem- solving, think time, or buddy room, etc. not a timeout room ). 3.45 1.06 31. Methods for diffusing or deescalating student’s social/emotional problems. 3.76 0.87 32. Methods for enhancing interpersonal relationships of students (e.g., circle of friends, buddy system, peer mentors). 3.62 0.92 33. Linking family members to needed services and resources in the school. 3.72 0.91