TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 3-FULL ISSUE

The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 3 385 Table 4 Loading Coefficients and Standard Errors for Best Fitting Model Factor 1 Individualized Supports and Practices Item Loading SE 11 .652 .014 13 .735 .011 16 .712 .013 17 .762 .011 22 .645 .014 23 .674 .013 25 .801 .009 26 .736 .012 27 .779 .010 28 .799 .009 29 .709 .012 30 .753 .012 31 .774 .010 32 .772 .010 Factor 2 Schoolwide Supports and Practices 1 .816 .009 2 .817 .010 3 .813 .010 4 .805 .010 5 .612 .016 8 .731 .012 10 .755 .011 12 .773 .011 14 .659 .014 24 .567 .017 Factor 3 Targeted Supports and Practices 6 .685 .015 7 .664 .014 9 .729 .012 15 .766 .011 18 .729 .012 33 .764 .012 Factor 4 Collaborative Supports and Practices 19 .760 .013 20 .618 .017 21 .806 .012 Higher order coefficients F1 .968 .006 F2 .872 .009 F3 .911 .008 F4 .944 .010