TPC Journal-Vol 10- Issue 3-FULL ISSUE
388 The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 3 American School Counselor Association. (2019b). Role of the school counselor. administrators/role-of-the-school-counselor American School Counselor Association. (2020). ASCA membership demographics . https://www.schoolcounselor. org/asca/media/asca/home/MemberDemographics.pdf Andrews, D., Nonnecke, B., & Preece, J. (2003). Electronic survey methodology: A case study in reaching hard- to-involve internet users. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction , 16 (2), 185–210. Bambara, L. M., Nonnemacher, S., & Kern, L. (2009). Sustaining school-based individualized positive behavior support: Perceived barriers and enablers. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions , 11 (3), 161–176. Barrett, S. B., Bradshaw, C. P., & Lewis-Palmer, T. (2008). Maryland statewide PBIS initiative: Systems, evaluation, and next steps. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions , 10 (2), 105–114. Bastable, E., Massar, M. M., & McIntosh, K. (2020). A survey of team members’ perceptions of coaching activities related to Tier 1 SWPBIS implementation. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions , 22 (1), 51–61. Belser, C. T., Shillingford, M. A., & Joe, J. R. (2016). The ASCA model and a multi-tiered system of supports: A framework to support students of color with problem behavior. The Professional Counselor , 6 (3), 251–262. Benner, G. J., Kutash, K., Nelson, J. R., & Fisher, M. B. (2013). Closing the achievement gap of youth with emotional and behavioral disorders through multi-tiered systems of support. Education and Treatment of Children , 36 (3), 15–29. Berkeley, S., Bender, W. N., Peaster, L. G., & Saunders, L. (2009). Implementation of response to intervention: A snapshot of progress. Journal of Learning Disabilities , 42 (1), 85–95. Betters-Bubon, J., Brunner, T., & Kansteiner, A. (2016). Success for all? The role of the school counselor in creating and sustaining culturally responsive positive behavior interventions and supports programs. The Professional Counselor , 6 (3), 263–277. Betters-Bubon, J., & Donohue, P. (2016). Professional capacity building for school counselors through school- wide positive behavior interventions and supports implementation. Journal of School Counseling , 14 (3). Blum, C., & Cheney, D. (2009). The validity and reliability of the Teacher Knowledge and Skills Survey for Positive Behavior Support. Teacher Education and Special Education , 32 (3), 239–256. https://doi. org/10.1177/0888406409340013 Blum, C., & Cheney, D. (2012). Teacher Knowledge and Skills Survey for Positive Behavior Support . Illinois State University. Bradshaw, C. P., Koth, C. W., Thornton, L. A., & Leaf, P. J. (2009). Altering school climate through school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports: Findings from a group-randomized effectiveness trial. Prevention Science , 10 (2), 100–115. Bradshaw, C. P., Mitchell, M. M., & Leaf, P. J. (2010). Examining the effects of schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports on student outcomes: Results from a randomized controlled effectiveness trial in elementary schools. Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions , 12 (3), 133–148. Brendle, J. (2015). A survey of response to intervention team members’ effective practices in rural elementary schools. Rural Special Education Quarterly , 34 (2), 3–8. Briere, D. E., Simonsen, B., Sugai, G., & Myers, D. (2015). Increasing new teachers’ specific praise using a within-school consultation intervention. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions , 17 (1), 50–60. Browne, M. W., & Cudeck, R. (1993). Alternative ways of assessing model fit. In K. A. Bollen and J. S. Long (Eds.), Testing structural equation models (pp. 136–162). SAGE. Bruce, M., & Bridgeland, J. (2012). 2012 national survey of school counselors—True north: Charting the course to college and career readiness.
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