The Professional Counselor | Volume 10, Issue 4 511 Surprisingly, the self-reported ratio between R1 and R2 programs was similar to the observed; therefore, the hypothesis test yielded a 52.35% probability of Newhart et al.’s (2020) self-reported finding of the ratio between R2 and R1 programs falling below the posterior estimate and 47.65% probability of it falling above (see Figure 2). However, the remainder of self-reported data fell above the posterior estimates with 99%–100% probability. Therefore, the plausibility of Newhart et al.’s findings regarding the ratio between R1 and R2 programs was 100%; however, the plausibility of all other programs was 0%– 1%. It appears Newhart’s self-reported data was potentially underestimating differences in publication ratios between programs beyond R2 programs in relation to R1 when compared to the observed data. Figure 2 Plausibility of Newhart et al. (2020) Data Note. R2, D/PU, M1, M2, and M3 program estimations are displayed in relation to R1 programs. Discussion In this study, we examined the actual publication trends of CES faculty by reviewing all articles published in ACA-affiliated, peer-reviewed journals from 2008 to 2018. The results of this study support the perceived relationship between higher Carnegie classification and increased scholarly productivity (Barrio Minton et al., 2008) and confirm previous self-reported research findings (Ramsey et al., 2002) that faculty at higher-ranked institutions spend more time publishing. A review of the results and previous literature indicates several unique findings relevant to faculty, programs, and doctoral students. The differences between Carnegie classifications show that although CES faculty at R1 universities publish at higher rates, as anticipated, CES faculty at R2 and R1 universities are publishing at similar rates in ACA journals. CES faculty in programs at R1 and R2 institutions produce the highest number of publications, accounting for 69.1% of publications from 2008 to 2018, suggesting these programs will have the highest demands for research activity. Interestingly, although they are publishing less frequently than R1 and R2 programs, publication rates appear to be similar for CES faculty in programs at D/PU and M1 institutions. Together they account for 27.7% of publications over the past decade, a considerable amount of research in the counseling profession. Counseling programs at M2, M3, Baccalaureate, and Special Focus institutions have the lowest