The Professional Counselor is now using Submittable!

What can I do with Submittable?
As an author, you can:
- fill out submission and resubmission materials.
- upload a manuscript.
- follow the progression of your submission through the review and decision process.
- view and download peer review forms and manuscript mark-ups.
- apply for annual awards or other application calls.
- keep track of all submissions and applications over time.
How do I submit a manuscript?
Log in to Submittable (or create your free account if it’s your first time) and follow the instructions to submit a new manuscript. If you have any questions, consult Submittable’s Help resources, or email TPC’s managing editor at
Are there submission guidelines?
Indeed! Please review the following before submitting a manuscript. An initial review will be done to ensure that submissions adhere to the guidelines, and incomplete or incorrect submissions will be returned without review.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Policies and Procedures
APA Numbers and Statistics Guide Sheet
What happens if I already have a manuscript in the old review process?
Never fear—your manuscript will continue through the review process as is. We will continue to complete manuscripts submitted before the transition to Submittable before making the final transition for all manuscripts. **Please note that because of our need to work through the pre-Submittable manuscripts first, our review processes may be slightly delayed.**
Is there a fee to submit to TPC?
No way! TPC is devoted to its identity as a rigorous and relevant journal that is always open to all. There are no application or submission fees, and the entire journal is available as an open-access resource to everyone.