Jul 23, 2014 | TPC Outstanding Scholar
Jeffrey M. Warren and Edwin R. Gerler, Jr.

Jeffrey M. Warren and Edwin R. Gerler Jr. received the 2013 Outstanding Scholar Award for Quantitative or Qualitative Research for their article “Effects of School Counselors’ Cognitive Behavioral Consultation on Irrational and Efficacy Beliefs of Elementary School Teachers.” Dr. Warren is an assistant professor of counselor education at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. He cochairs the Research Quality Task Force for the Transforming School Counseling and College Access Interest Network (TSCCAIN) of the Association for Counselor Education. He is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and a National Certified School Counselor (NCSC). Dr. Gerler is a professor of counselor education at North Carolina State University. He has served as editor-in-chief of two national counseling journals and was the founding editor of the Journal of School Violence and the founding coeditor of the online publication Meridian, a school computer technologies journal.
Read more about the TPC scholarship awards here.
Jul 23, 2014 | TPC Outstanding Scholar
Jeffrey M. Warren and Edwin R. Gerler, Jr.

Jeffrey M. Warren and Edwin R. Gerler Jr. received the 2013 Outstanding Scholar Award for Quantitative or Qualitative Research for their article “Effects of School Counselors’ Cognitive Behavioral Consultation on Irrational and Efficacy Beliefs of Elementary School Teachers.” Dr. Warren is an assistant professor of counselor education at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. He cochairs the Research Quality Task Force for the Transforming School Counseling and College Access Interest Network (TSCCAIN) of the Association for Counselor Education. He is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and a National Certified School Counselor (NCSC). Dr. Gerler is a professor of counselor education at North Carolina State University. He has served as editor-in-chief of two national counseling journals and was the founding editor of the Journal of School Violence and the founding coeditor of the online publication Meridian, a school computer technologies journal.
Jul 23, 2014 | TPC Outstanding Scholar
Kathleen Brown-Rice
Kathleen Brown-Rice received the 2013 Outstanding Scholar Award for Concept/Theory for her article “Examining the Theory of Historical Trauma Among Native Americans.” Dr. Rice is an assistant professor at the University of South Dakota and a National Certified Counselor (NCC). Her research interests include professional counselor supervision and training with an emphasis on ethical considerations and cross-cultural supervision, Native American mental health and the implications of historical trauma, and the impact of substance use on individuals, families and the community.
Read more about the TPC scholarship awards here.
Jul 23, 2014 | TPC Outstanding Scholar

TPC announced the first annual Dissertation Excellence Award and began receiving entries from across the United States. After great deliberation, Joel A. Lane received the 2014 Dissertation Excellence Award for his dissertation, titled The Impact of Attachment Working Models and Social Support on the Subjective and Psychological Well-Being of Emerging Adults in Transition: Testing a Theoretical Mediation Model. Dr. Lane completed his doctoral studies at Oakland University in Detroit, Michigan, under the supervision of Robert S. Fink. According to Dr. Fink, “Dr. Lane’s dissertation demonstrates excellence at the conceptual, empirical and practical application levels.” Currently, Dr. Lane is an assistant professor in the Department of Counselor Education at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon. TPC is pleased with the success of the first Dissertation Excellence Award and looks forward to recognizing outstanding dissertations for many years to come.
Read more about the TPC scholarship awards here.
Oct 21, 2013 | TPC Outstanding Scholar
Lisa Camposano

In 2011, the National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. and Affiliates (NBCC) published the first volume of TPC. At the behest of TPC’s publisher, Dr. Thomas Clawson, the TPC Outstanding Scholar Award was created to recognize the most outstanding article of the year.
After the close of the first volume, the editorial board committee studied the journal articles and selected the top several fitting the following criteria: elite scholarly style, innovative and inventive material, and the utmost relevance to the counseling profession. The first volume included exceptional material covering a variety of relevant topics, which made it challenging to distinguish one article as outstanding among the collected works. After careful consideration, the 2011 TPC Outstanding Article Award went to Lisa Camposano for her article “Silent Suffering: Children with Selective Mutism” in volume 1, issue 1.
Ms. Camposano’s article brings attention to the lack of research on selective mutism and concerns of misdiagnosis, and provides implications for counselors by covering common disorder-related issues and sound treatment approaches. Ms. Camposano first encountered selective mutism while teaching a few years ago. After she was informed that she would have a student with selective mutism, Ms. Camposano began to research the disorder so that she could provide the student with the support needed for optimum learning and development. During her research, she noticed that many of the available resources did not include implications for teachers or counselors. As she notes in her article, selective mutism came to the public’s attention after the Virginia Tech massacre, when it was revealed that the gunman, Seung-Hui Cho, had been diagnosed with the disorder. However, the lack of consideration within the professional counseling community became apparent as she continued her research into interventions for her student.
After Ms. Camposano began graduate school for school counseling at The College of New Jersey, she continued to research selective mutism using a counseling professional framework. That experience led to a deeper appreciation for research and an increased motivation to fulfill the essential role and responsibility of a counselor to contribute to the research literature that ultimately fuels evidence-based practices. Ms. Camposano now plans to focus on other school counseling topics and advocate for clients by increasing accessibility to community resources. Regardless of the counseling specialty area, she will continue to make her voice heard in the counseling profession.
Oct 21, 2013 | TPC Outstanding Scholar
Lisa Camposano
In 2011, the National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. and Affiliates (NBCC) published the first volume of TPC. At the behest of TPC’s publisher, Dr. Thomas Clawson, the TPC Outstanding Scholar Award was created to recognize the most outstanding article of the year.
After the close of the first volume, the editorial board committee studied the journal articles and selected the top several fitting the following criteria: elite scholarly style, innovative and inventive material, and the utmost relevance to the counseling profession. The first volume included exceptional material covering a variety of relevant topics, which made it challenging to distinguish one article as outstanding among the collected works. After careful consideration, the 2011 TPC Outstanding Article Award went to Lisa Camposano for her article “Silent Suffering: Children with Selective Mutism” in volume 1, issue 1.
Ms. Camposano’s article brings attention to the lack of research on selective mutism and concerns of misdiagnosis, and provides implications for counselors by covering common disorder-related issues and sound treatment approaches. Ms. Camposano first encountered selective mutism while teaching a few years ago. After she was informed that she would have a student with selective mutism, Ms. Camposano began to research the disorder so that she could provide the student with the support needed for optimum learning and development. During her research, she noticed that many of the available resources did not include implications for teachers or counselors. As she notes in her article, selective mutism came to the public’s attention after the Virginia Tech massacre, when it was revealed that the gunman, Seung-Hui Cho, had been diagnosed with the disorder. However, the lack of consideration within the professional counseling community became apparent as she continued her research into interventions for her student.
After Ms. Camposano began graduate school for school counseling at The College of New Jersey, she continued to research selective mutism using a counseling professional framework. That experience led to a deeper appreciation for research and an increased motivation to fulfill the essential role and responsibility of a counselor to contribute to the research literature that ultimately fuels evidence-based practices. Ms. Camposano now plans to focus on other school counseling topics and advocate for clients by increasing accessibility to community resources. Regardless of the counseling specialty area, she will continue to make her voice heard in the counseling profession.
Read more about the TPC scholarship awards here.